Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Oh me, Oh my!" quote my good friend, Sharon!

The last few weeks have been way too busy! Between Ron's hospitalization, searching for new housing for Ron's parents and then moving them in, along with everyday life's definitely taken a toll on us! Poor Ron, was so exhausted Sunday he hardly moved all day...quite honestly, I was getting a little concerned. Not only was he super tired, but was yakking again and just feeling overall crummy. I'm glad to report by Monday afternoon, he was feeling better.

The move last weekend went very smoothly; thank you for praying. We believe Dad is adjusting very well (quite honestly, I think he's digging his new bachelor pad!) and Mom, well, it's quite confusing to her. She asked the other day "how long do I have to stay here?" I'm sure the longer she is there and is able to get into a routine along with becoming more familiar with the staff; she will adjust.

After spending the day moving, we headed over to my sister's house that evening to celebrate our Sept/Oct family birthdays. They surprised me by making it a special 50th celebration for me! (Wow, seeing that in print looks...old!) My sister, Tami, even flew in from Atlanta to help celebrate my leap into the second half of a century.

I have the greatest family ever! We had a lot of fun (at my expense) looking through old high school yearbooks, and the decorations created by using some of my beautiful photos from days gone by; they even took the liberty to transform my face onto more famous bodies! I was really rockin' it and looked quite Fergi-licious! There was also an especially creative one of me as Faith Hill and Ron as Tim McGraw!

I cannot begin to tell you what a blessing my family is to us...they know how I'd always talked about going to Vegas for my 50th and decided to arrange a trip for me. Unfortunately, the unexpected things of life happen; our home appliances have decided this would be a good time to throw in the towel. We are in dire need of replacing our dryer and our washer is just as old; our oven and stovetop are also on their last legs (they've never been replaced and our house is 30 years old). So, once the family heard about this, they got together and decided to generously gift me with money to use either to go to Vegas or put towards appliances. I tell ya, it was an unfair decision to place in my lap; but my practical side won out and I'm shopping for a washer/dryer. We will also use our designated Christmas fund to begin looking for stovetop and oven. Another lesson in being totally dependent on God.

If you know of anyone who works in the appliance industry or is a builder/contractor who can help us get a great deal....we would be most appreciative!

Ron had a follow-up with the surgeon Monday. He was very pleased with the healing process, therefore we are finished with wound care!!! And, Praise God, the ultrasound done last week shows no sign of clot; which means we don't have to worry about the possibility of having to try blood thinner again!

Now, we're trying to get back into some semblance of a routine and are hoping to have a low-key weekend so we can get caught up on house stuff and just have some down time!

Much love,

"I will thank the Lord with all my heart...How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in Him should ponder them. Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. Who can forget the wonders He performs? How gracious and merciful is our Lord...He always remembers His covenant..." Psalm 111:1-5 selected NLT

"Bear not a single care thyself, one is too much for thee;
The work is mine, yea, mine alone; thy work is Rest in Me."
from Streams in the Desert 2

"Be all at rest" so thou shalt be an answer,
To those who question "Who is God and where?"
For God is REST, and where He dwells is stillness,
And they who dwell in Him that rest shall share."
Freda H. Allen

"I have never seen the Godly forsaken" Psalm 37:25

1 comment:

Gigi and Peeps said...

Welcome to the 50's! They aren't too bad.

I don't know that you'd be interested, but Diane Bourne has a friend that is selling some gently used appliances. We were thinking about the stove but it won't fit in our house without major adjustments. You might call her at the church.

It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...