Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Ella and Mila!!!

We have babies!!!

Our sweet girls have arrived! Little Miss Ella Renee decided she was tired of hanging out in utero and was ready to meet her Mommy and Daddy. Stacee's water broke (just Ella's sac) Thursday evening as we were sitting at their dinner table at 8PM. After gathering packed bags, camera, video camera, phones, etc. they headed to Harris. Thankfully, Stacee's OB was there and upon examination already felt "body parts"; sonogram confirmed it was time to welcome our girls. Stacee was immediately prepped for C-section, Ryan was suited up and off they went.

Vital Stats are:

Ella Renee born at 11:15PM weighing 4 lbs 5 oz; 18 1/2 inches long
Mila Maree born at 11:17PM weighing 4 lbs 9 oz; 18 inches long

Both of our little angels are doing well for being 6 1/2 weeks premature. They are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with IV's, feeding tubes, heart monitors and on CPAP (for breathing support). It is estimated they won't go home until around their official due date (April 4).

They both came out pink with APGAR scores of:
Ella 8.9
Mila 9.9

Mila came out screaming (I think she was not too happy her sister was so anxious to leave their snug little home); while Ella took a second to cry, but cry she did! The NICU nurse said Ella has had her eyes open, looking around, checking out the "outside world" and moving arms and legs quite a bit. While Mila just wants to sleep! She's barely peeped an eye open.

OB was very pleased with how things went and Neonatologist said they are not necessarily sick...just need time to continue to develop and grow. They will be very limited on contact (no visitors for a while; and being in NICU there aren't the windows where you can stand outside and see them). They are in NICU 4 which is the most intensive; but as they progress and develop they will move down the hall until finally rooming in -- where Ryan and Stacee will have to stay the night with them in the hospital doing all of their care to prove they are capable of taking care of them at home.

Unfortunately, after getting one picture of Ella, their camera died so I have no pictures to share as yet but will get some posted as soon as I get some.

I'm sure we'll have more to report later; I have not spoken with the new Mommy and Daddy yet this morning and we will be at Presbyterian all day for "maintenance" of Ron's PICC.

Please pray for our sweet girls, (as well as Stacee and Ryan), as often happens preemies may develop some critical issues before they develop fully. And for Stacee's mom (Diane) as she arrives this morning...I know it was VERY HARD for her not to be here with her one and only baby girl as she had her babies. And Stacee is ready to see her Momma!

Please forgive any typos or misinformation...we arrived home at 3:30 and I'm one tired girl!

Much love!
Christie and Ron
Nana/Grammie/Hey You (not sure yet!) and Papa


auntkasey said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see your precious girls pictures!

Fliterary said...

Yay! Congratulations!! Praying for healthy days for all concerned!

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