Sunday, September 20, 2009


Sorry we've been MIA--the last couple of weeks have been CRAZY busy! Long post attests to it!

Ron came home on Tuesday, Sept 8 with IV antibiotics to be administered every 8 hours (which run an hour), twice daily Lovenox injections and daily wound care (along with his typical daily TPN and flushes). I jumped right back in to work on Wednesday amidst the chaotic schedule of all these medical tasks.

Praise God insurance approved having wound care nurse come daily for the first week to cleanse and pack his incision site. The antibiotics, on the other hand, were left up to me. The every 8 hour schedule wasn't too bad; it was the ordeal of scheduling the timing of getting the refrigerated antibiotic out 4-6 hours BEFORE administering that tipped the scale. But, you do what you have to do!!! And just like when you have a newborn, God gives you that extra measure of grace in the form of energy and stamina as needed. My mantra became "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Along with constant reminders to self "I can do anything for 9 days" which became "I can do anything for 8 days", etc. Special thanks to Marcie for her constant encouragement and countdown of how few days I had left!

Now, back to Ron. By the first Saturday, we began to notice he was developing several small hematomas from the Lovenox injections, so made the decision to discontinue. He also spent that first week yakking, almost daily. Things settled down for a week but this morning it started again. YUCK!

Ron had appointments with GI and surgeon last Monday afternoon and they both confirmed he should not continue on the Lovenox. So, we happen to be the lucky owners of a 60 day supply of Lovenox. With only 3 days worth of it being used this leaves us with a total of just under $3900 worth of the stuff. HUGE Praise that our insurance co-pay for this was ONLY $75.

Other than the bleeding caused by the Lovenox, they are both pleased with his progress. Incision site is healing nicely, surgeon removed sutures and placed steri-strips on the ends while still leaving center open to continue to heal from inside out. Wound care is minor so I have now taken that over myself. GI has again decreased steroid level which always takes a while for Ron's body to adjust, leaving him with sinking spells, and this time the added side effects of feeling jittery, restless, unable to get comfortable. If it continues, as of tomorrow he is to resume the afternoon dose at half the strength.

Tuesday he will have a Doppler study to make sure there is still good blood flow on either side of where the vein was removed and to confirm the clot is dissipating. He will then have a followup with the surgeon the following week.

To add to all this excitement, Sept 9, the family received 30 days notice that Ron's mom would have to move from the assisted living apartment where she and Dad reside. Her care has reached a point they are no longer able to provide for her needs. So we've spent the last two weekends plus several evenings along with other family members, visiting skilled nursing facilities, residential care homes and continuing care retirement communities (ccrc) looking for the best fit. All of Ron's siblings were here this weekend to finalize the search and break the news to both Dad and Mom. It was a very difficult, emotional conversation but Praise God it went much better than anticipated. Dad recognizes Mom's decline and is on board with the fact that if Mom needs to move, he should move to the same facility. The family has decided on a very nice ccrc on the Southwest side of Ft. Worth which has the added bonus of being the facility where Ryan works! Mom will be on the 3rd floor, in the skilled nursing portion; while Dad will live on the 1st floor in the assisted living portion. We will move them next weekend. Please pray for both Mom and Dad Nordell as they make this change; especially as they transition to living in separate rooms on different floors. And, selfishly, for all of the family as we learn to adjust to the changes as well.

As you can imagine, we're a wee bit on the tired side...therefore, haven't even made it to church the last couple of Sundays. We've enjoyed a lot of extra time with family, but wish it were under better circumstances.

I believe that's our life in a nutshell right now. Oh, I forgot to mention, Ron had 2 major tests amidst the chaos! Poor guy! He made it through and did pretty well, especially considering he hasn't taken a college test in over 32 years!

Sorry this was so long! It's 11:00 now and I'm excited to say we can go to bed without worrying about any medical stuff! YIPPEE!!! Only having to take care of TPN now feels like a breeze!

Have a good week!
Much love, Christie

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...