Tuesday, October 20, 2009

And so the journey began...

October 9 two years ago, Ron was admitted to the ER at HEB and after a night full of testing was diagnosed with a failing gall bladder.

Little did we know that a "simple" gall bladder surgery would forever change the course of our lives. Though we would NEVER want to go through the trials of these past two years again, we can honestly say we would not want to give up all that God has taught us and the relationships we've developed. God has shown Himself faithful! And though at times it's been so painful we've felt we couldn't go on, we've found there are some things that can only be learned through the pain and suffering that causes complete dependence on the Father.

We've also come to have a greater appreciation for the unfailing hope that is available to us through Christ, as well as the generosity of His people who have been so faithful to encourage, lift us up and minister to our every need whether that be financial, physical, emotional or spiritual.

You know, it's one thing to go through a short period of time relying on the help of others; but when it becomes long term..... You begin to feel you're "wearing out your welcome". That people are thinking, "Oh great, it's those needy Nordell's again!"

However, God continues to remind me we need to put aside our pride (Ugh! That awful P word!); and allow others to meet our needs. You'd think we'd have enough practice by now that it would be no big deal to ask for and accept help, but it's still difficult. And as we pray about our pride, He reminds us again that our stubborn determination to do things on our own is actually refusing to allow others to do for us, therefore robbing them of the blessing!We've all been there; when you know someone who is hurting, or going through any difficult time, you feel so helpless. You want to do whatever you can to lighten their load and still...pride too often wins out and we downplay what we're going through, denying our need for others. Yet, God calls us to work together as a body, each serving a different purpose; and meeting each others' needs. (Preaching to the choir here...you guys have been AWESOME in meeting our needs....We're the ones with the "P" problem!)

Too often we hold onto what we perceive to be those things we can control ~ yet I was reminded recently that control is only an illusion.

From Streams in the Desert:
"Lord, increase our faith" Luke 17:5

Faith is not clinging--it is letting go...It's God's plan that we fall--not to defeat, but into His arms....As soon as you recognize your sheer helplessness, and your failing strength, you let go; and falling upon Him, your fear goes, your mistrust goes, and the blessed assurance comes.

Enough preaching...Where are we today? Still dependent on God, as well as our family and friends. He, along with each of you, continues to rise to the occasion!

Speaking of which, we were incredibly blessed by my family's generosity, as well as a fabulous Columbus Day sale, and were able to purchase a washer and dryer without having to spend any money out of pocket. They were delivered about 10 days ago and they are fabulous! We spent Saturday watching in amazement our new toys in action. Aren't we the exciting couple!

That same week, we received a call from my dad informing us that a distant family member had contacted him and wanted to replace our stove top and oven for us! Wow!! We are blown away by this incredible gift. They've been out to measure and we should get them soon. What kind? you ask....I don't know, and I don't care...they are new, they'll cook evenly and they are free; that's all that matters! Many thanks, K&G!

On top of that, my brother stopped by recently to deliver a gift card from an anonymous donor to use however we wanted...to help with appliances or even book a red-eye to Vegas, whatever! Thanks "old friends", we are blessed because of you!

Thank you, Father, for Your sufficient provision (often through Your people!), Your grace and Your sovereignty!

On to the hubby: Ron's had his ups and downs the last few weeks. Mostly, he continues to have no appetite. He's back down to a protein drink in the morning, and a small portion for dinner. Amazingly, his weight is staying somewhat stable despite decreased eating. Dr. A has done a little tweaking on his medications this week, adding one that will stimulate his GI tract and one to fight bacterial buildup. Hopefully these will kick things back in gear. He's been a little more tired than usual since he's had increased reflux and yakking which keeps him from sleeping well.

Otherwise, he's doing well in his classes. He even made the highest grade on a major test in his anatomy and physiology class (actually the highest grade in his prof's classes for that test) and on today's test in Math he scored a 100! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

Please pray Ron's renewed digestive issues will resolve quickly and he will get some much-needed rest. And for his energy and stamina; lack of sleep causes an increase in weakness.

Much love,

"My Father has prepared these places for the ones He has chosen"
Matthew 20:23 NLT

Though this verse is in reference to James' and John's mother asking Jesus if her son's could sit in places of honor on either side of Him, it really spoke to me that wherever God sends us, we have full assurance He has prepared that place for us.

"Trust in the Lord and rely on your God" Isaiah 50:10b

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...