Forgive me for taking so long in getting this out...other than our email server
being down a couple of days, I have no excuse!
We saw both Dr. M (hematologist/oncologist) and Dr. A (GI) last week.
Dr. M was pleased with Ron's blood levels staying consistent over the last month, so he's now going to have his anti-factor
Xa (that's 10a) checked monthly. (Although, we got a call this week saying there was a major problem with his draw from when he was there and they wanted it rechecked ASAP. We should hear something back in the next couple of days; hopefully it was just a lab error). Good news is: Ron only has to see him every 3-4 months now...unless a problem shows up on routine lab results.
Dr. A was excited to add a couple of new medications with some definite goals in mind. With
the number one goal being to get the yakking under control so Ron's esophagus can heal! And number two, to be able to return to more normal eating (without yakking).
One of
the new meds is an old muscle relaxant (
Baclofen) which has also shown to have the opposite effect
on the
GastroEsophageal Juncture (valve connecting the esophagus and the stomach) causing it to clamp down instead,
thus keeping stuff from coming back up and hopefully reducing yakking. He is to take 1/2 dose 30 minutes before meals and at bedtime.
The second one is an over-the-
counter antacid (
Gaviscon) which has a seaweed base. This is taken
after eating (whether it be a meal, snack, etc). The seaweed expands and acts as a barrier to keep food, bile, acid, etc from coming back up.
Ron says the
Gaviscon is nasty to take. He feels like it's "growing" as he chews it...Yuck!
We were given a time table of two weeks...if it's going to work, we should see definite improvement within two weeks.
The first couple of days were really rough ones. As with most muscle relaxants,
Baclofen can have a sedation effect; and it really knocked Ron on his tail! He was sleeping until noon, then getting up and sleeping in the recliner all afternoon. This combined with overall lethargy and stomach pain had him feeling quite puny. We ended up having to reduce the dose to 1/4.
Unfortunately, thus far, he has had no changes. Still yakking daily, along with major reflux. Yakking so violently last week, that he pulled a muscle; ugh! But hey, the muscle relaxant helped with that!
Tomorrow, Friday, we are to try to increase back up to 1/2 dose and see if his system can handle it. If not, they will have no choice but to discontinue this medication since it is obvious the 1/4 dose is doing nothing.
Please pray for an uneventful weekend for Ron, with no added side effects. We'd also love to see some clear improvement.
Much love,
A couple of Sunday's ago, our church was incredibly blessed to
have Charles Billingsly lead us in worship. Below is one of the many songs that spoke to me.
Lord I Run to YouLord I run to YouNo one else will doLord in troubled timeI will run straight to YouThough my heart and flesh may failYou're my ever present helpMy tower of strengthMy portion ever moreLord I run to YouNo one else will doLord You said we'd faceTrouble, pain and fearBut to be of good cheerBe of good cheerFor You have overcomeOvercome the worldI lift my eyes upTo the mountainsWhere does my help come fromIt comes from You LordYou are the Maker of heaven and earthAnd there's nothing that's too hard for You