Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Ron's had a crummy couple of days. Fever, aches...overall blah! Today, as an added bonus, the uncontrollable shaking episodes came on, similar (minus the pain) to what he had back in March when his PICC was infected! Poor guy; these episodes leave him TOTALLY wiped out for the next few hours!

Infectious Disease called yesterday evening with results from Friday's cultures and he has yet another (NEW!) infection. YEEHAW! New infection is E. cloacae (not to be confused with E. coli).

He will begin different IV antibiotic today for 10 days. They will repeat cultures shortly thereafter. Praise God we are able to administer here at home.

Please pray the antibiotic will take affect quickly and he will have no reactions/side effects.

Also pray for a good state of mind for both of us...at times we are so weary of the battle!

Read today in my devotional: It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:29-30

This is what we strive for daily! We know He is faithful, however, we are needing a little help in lifting this yoke upon our shoulders today.

Much love, Christie

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