Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time to Regroup

Where to begin?

You know the old saying "don't judge a book by it's cover". Well, that fits Ron well. Outwardly, he looks good, however if you look inside, you'd know how awful it really is the majority of the time. And how depressing it is to deal with this day after day after day!

The last couple of months have been quite the roller coaster...the highs of promising new ideas and the lows of hopes being dashed.

My sweet hubby has had some especially "dark days". I am so proud of my takes alot for him to come out and say, look things aren't going well and I'm really struggling here. He's not a complainer; and if you ask how he's doing he will typically say ok. The disappointment of hopeful changes, along with the increased mental fatigue from resuming classes, resulted in even more physical fatigue which really did a number on him. After much prayer and conferring with doctor, decision was made to step back and regroup.

You know how you feel when you have the worst flu can hardly function, you feel like you're in a mental fog, unable to focus on anything, you have no appetite and are just bone weary...well that's what he's been experiencing. And with the exceptional fatigue he's experiencing, he's definitely been regressing...feeling weak and rundown; no appetite, stomach churning along with nausea all day every day

He admits his number one priority needs to be on getting healthy but has been at a loss as to know how to go about this. After much prayer and conferring with doctor, they agreed it would be best if he dropped his classes this semester.

Right now, the overriding concern is his lack of sleep. Poor guy deals with so much reflux he gets no rest because he wakes up all night long choking. He can't take any kind of a sleep aid as this would dampen the automatic reflex to protect his airway (gagging/choking, then bolting to an upright position to keep things from coming up). If this reflex were to be dampened, he would aspirate with the potential of developing pneumonia or even literally suffocating due to blocked airway. Remember, due to a myriad of surgeries, procedures, etc. the flap between the esophagus and the stomach that should close to keep backflow from occurring is permanently open for him.

As of last Thursday, Ron has discontinued the latest medication and has backed off on eating (other than the fabulous fajitas at an anniversary celebration for some good friends today!) to see if he can get a little bit of a break. Although the new medication has helped a little, he may yak daily for 4-5 days and then have a break for a couple of days; the side effects have been troublesome.

So, there ya have it....may be more information than you'd like; but please use it as intended; to know how to specifically pray.

I've been listening to Beth Moore recently as she has been speaking on Isaiah 32:2 :

"Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land"

And my thoughts turn to each of you. Thank you for loving us; as well as your willingness to stand in the gap and be a refuge to us during this stormy time of life.

Much love,

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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