Friday, April 8, 2011

The best laid plans of mice and men...

Oh, how we appreciate the persistent advocacy of Ron's doctors, as well as their willingness to think outside the box.

Just a couple of days after j-tube procedure, Ron hit a bit of a snafu. Due to the presence of the j-tube within the g-tube, g-tube is now narrowed, causing the risk of clogging to go up significantly. And clogged g-tube leads to yakking. And so the vicious cycle begins...again.

Three time daily water feeding through j-tube was going well; however, he was never able to advance to nutritional feed because of the recurrence of yakking due to clogged tube. After a couple of weeks of this daily (and sometimes twice daily) yakking, we realized it was time to take a step back and reassess.

The original plan was to try to place g-tube for drainage and venting purposes in order to allow relief from reflux and yakking. Somewhere along the line it seems focus shifted from g-tube for decompression to j-tube for feeding. We were definitely not opposed to j-tube feeding; however, it became apparent we need to get back to priority of finding solution to yakking issue.

With the daily yakking came sleepless nights due to severe reflux, gagging, etc.; and so the slippery slope of regression begins. He wouldn't mind having the added benefit of feedings through j-tube but, again, relief from reflux and yakking enabling him to get some sleep needs to be the priority.

So where does that leave us now?

1. Remove J-tube
2. Retain J-tube within G-tube and attempt to add another G-tube strictly for decompression/drainage
3. Keep current G-tube for decompression/drainage but consider another J-tube (to be placed surgically) for feeding tube

Option 1 seemed to be the way to go for now. Get back to the basics...get the yakking under control. Therefore, as of Wednesday, the hubby is now j-tube-less!

When he went in to IR (early!) Wednesday morning, Dr. D told him "this is going to hurt me alot more than it hurts you!" I'm sure this is true for each of his doctors with all the time, research and mental anguish they've spent in coming up with a viable option and then several attempts to make it work. It's frustrating for everyone that despite their best efforts to make things better; things just didn't pan out.

So, we'll take a step back, take a deep breath; and remember "For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8

Here's to days (and nights) free of yakking! Day three of no yakking, thus far!

Love, Christie

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