Friday, September 12, 2008

He got it!!!

Thursday evening, just as I was getting to the point I felt I was back among the living and might even entertain the thought of possibly going back to work; Ron informs me he has a sore throat. I immediately go on "full alert". I decide to sleep in our room (first time in a week!) to keep an eye on him and every time he moves I'm up "how's your throat? do you feel bad anywhere else? chest feel congested? do you need anything?" Obviously, not much sleep for either of us. At 7AM, I'm up with flashlight looking at throat, taking temp, blood pressure and heart rate and find he has a temp of 101 and a resting heart rate of 105. I have strict instructions from docs that I'm to call them any time he runs a temp over 100.5 or has a resting heart rate over 100. So, I make the call!

And then, off to Presby we go! Our family physician is out for the week and though it was ok for me to see someone else, it was very important for Ron to be seen by someone who knows his current history intimately. Dr. Arslanlar (GI) told me to bring Ron to him...what a great guy! He was headed out of town at noon for a memorial service for his dad who had passed away last month, but insisted we come anyways...he'd work him in between procedures at the hospital! I think he enjoyed playing "internist"; took him back to residency days! After a full exam he confirmed Ron has "the crud". He did hear a little crackling in his lungs so sent him for xrays and also had a full blood workup done along with blood cultures to rule out anything going on with PICC line. He put him on a Z-pack, stronger antibiotic than most would need for upper respiratory infection but it will kill out all the typical bacteria as well as anything atypical if present, such as that which would cause walking pneumonia.

We've spent the whole week trying to keep Ron from getting what I've had to no avail! In spite of sleeping in separate rooms, no "smooching", tons of hand washing, slathering with antibacterial gel, wearing a mask, fumigating with Lysol several times a day and doing everything else we can possibly think of...he still got it!

Poor guy~~he feels rotten!!! Then, on the way home, he starts throwing up! (Note to self, NEVER leave home without "the bucket".) Nothing to do with this illness....continued problems with eating process. I'll back up--

To begin, it's our first week to "fly solo". Aaron & Kristin have moved to Plano and Ryan was in Tennessee on a business trip so we were "home alone" for the first time in almost a year. Not only have I been really, really sick (and I mean REALLY sick!) on Tuesday afternoon, we noticed Ron's PICC line was red and irritated at the suture site and it was moving around (NOT a good thing). We called IR and they said to bring him in on Wednesday (YEAH RIGHT!! I'm barely making it from bed to recliner and back again!) Our sweet Stacee came to the rescue! Actually, she'd been coming over after work each day just hanging out in case we needed anything. (We are so blessed; I know any one of you would have come to help at the drop of a hat...fortunately, Ron was well enough at the time to take care of himself and what little needs I had; but isn't driving as yet; and we didn't want to take the chance of infecting anyone else). IR got PICC line secured, changed g-tube dressing and did a sonogram (to check out the hematoma) in record time and sent them on their way. They saw on sonogram that the hematoma has no liquid, it's all solid and they don't like that it's not getting smaller...not getting bigger, but just not reducing in size either. Ron's been instructed he needs to start massaging it several times a day to help break up any scar tissue that may be forming around it; and they'll keep an eye on it each time he goes back to IR.

But, he's still having "unprovoked" puking episodes--daily--so they have once again backed him off to liquids; and not quite sure where they'll go from here. Structurally, they haven't seen a reason this should be happening. Once again, he's not following the "typical" scenario for what they usually see in the healing process.

Then, yesterday I get a call from my Dad's wife telling me he's been admitted through the ER to Harris HEB due to intense pain in his hip. Long story short, he'll have surgery on Monday on same hip he had replaced several years ago; can't do earlier due to some issues with other test results. Anyone say family discount at HEB??? Family Frequent stay program???

Now, back to today as I'm driving, and Ron's puking and saying he doesn't think he'll ever be well; I'm trying to comfort him and encourage him; but the whole time my mind is screaming WHAT?? WHAT IS IT, GOD? WHAT ARE WE NOT LEARNING HERE? THERE'S GOT TO BE SOMETHING THAT'S KEEPING US IN THIS CONTINUED HOLDING PATTERN OF ILLNESS! AND NOW ONE OF EACH OF OUR PARENTS!!!??? WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO TO "GET IT" AND MOVE ON TO A NORMAL LIFE??? And there is total silence...

Not the silence that is lonely and scary; but the calm reassuring silence when God whispers "be still and know that I am God" don't have to understand or like your circumstances; but trust Me. I love you; I am with you and I am in control.

WOW! What more could I ask for?

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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