Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break and other stuff

It's been a couple of weeks since we last updated....missed us? We'd all grown used to having almost daily contact but now that there are no more appointments, diagnostics, etc it won't be quite so often!

It's taken a while to mentally and spiritually process the long-term ramifications of the results of all the testing but we are now setting about the task of adapting to our new "normal". Ron's spirit's have been good; it's obviously disappointing things are as they are but, we play the hand we've been dealt and go on from here. We choose to remain hopeful that he will continue to progress and make a complete recovery with some day being able to go about all his pre-medical trauma activities; but in the meantime....

He's trying to keep up with daily physical therapy, along with 2 walks around the block, and is doing pretty well, but has not been able to increase as yet.

Weight has remained steady; still at 12-15 lbs gained since being back on TPN.

He is back on the Nystatin (swish and swallow med) due to thrush. (I don't think he's real consistent in taking though, which is prolonging the nasty ordeal)

Been pretty strict about sticking to protein drinks; not venturing into puddings, ice cream or textures of any kind since that doesn't seem to sit too well. (Although, he did take a bite of birthday cake & ice cream a couple weeks ago, and one of mac n cheese this week) Had an episode of yakking yesterday; first time in 10 days!!! WOO HOO!!!

Crazy PICC seems to draw blood every other week; on the weeks it won't draw, he has to be stuck. Ugh! But PICC continues to consistently flush well and we've had no problems with TPN infusion.

Nothing has really changed as far as what we've been dealing with, other than knowing this could very well be how things are for the rest of our lives. No one knows the level of activity he'll be able to eventually achieve or at what point he might plateau. It's always easier to deal with a challenging situation when you know there is an end in sight; and what that end looks like, but when there isn't and you don' can be unsettling.

My spring break was extremely busy, but very quiet. Springtime brings about the tasks of cleaning flower beds, pulling weeds, trimming shrubs and the basics of getting the yard in shape. The weather was perfect for it and the solitude of working in the yard each day allowed time for God to speak to me and work me through the anger, disappointment and frustration to a point of peace and trust that He is still in control.

Also, over spring break we were able to get our tax stuff together and over to our wonderful CPA and finalize the Social Security paperwork over the phone, no appointment necessary, thank goodness. We received a call earlier this week that the paperwork has now been sent to the Medical Examiner and we should hear something within 120 days.

Somehow, in the midst of all the spring yard cleaning, I got into some poison ivy; bad enough that I ended up having to go to my doctor for treatment with oral and topical steroids. Dr. L once again blessed us by declaring he was paying for my copay! That very same day my principal, Mr. B, presented me with a generous financial gift from the awesome staff at Smithfield Elementary. God continues to bless us through so many of you!

I've had many people asking what we need, or how they can help us and honestly; I don't know. We're just trying to take one day at a time and other than normal stuff of running a household and working; life is pretty much rocking along.

We appreciate your prayers as well as your e-mails, calls, cards and words of encouragement.

Much love,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

A very familiar verse, but one we often overlook. It's only when we are trusting God, leaning on Him and making Him a part of every area of our lives that we will receive His wisdom and ability to walk the path He has laid out for us.

"If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will find it" Matthew 10:39 NLT

We make the most out of life if we are willing to lose it in service to Him...unbroken and unbruised people are of little use. When self-sacrifice becomes the principle of the heart, then one's life becomes a rich, full blessing to others.

"Choose to love the Lord your God, and to obey Him,and to cling to Him; for He is your life and the length of your days..." - Deut. 30:20

1 comment:

Fliterary said...

Christie and Ron, you continue in our prayers. Thank you for allowing us to journey through your highs and lows.

Ron, I'm praying for your total and complete healing. Christie, I hope your poison ivy clears up quickly.

Praying for you and your family!

In Christ's Love,


It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...