Thursday, December 3, 2009

Free at last....

We're home!!! Very tired, but oh so glad to be home! As soon as we arrived home, I unloaded the car, ate a sandwich and then hit the bed for a good long nap.
Ron was asleep in the recliner before I could complete my sandwich!

Final results: all the testing definitive answer as to why Thanksgiving's trauma took place. The best guess is he had a vasovagal syncope. (Aren't you impressed by my ever-increasing medical knowledge??? )

My best understanding is: Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness and posture (fainting or passing out). Vasovagal refers to the vagus nerve which, among many other things, is responsible for heart rate, keeping the larynx open for breathing, gastrointestinal stuff, etc.

Vasovagal syncope is not an uncommon occurrence. It happens to many people in a variety of circumstances: people passing out at the sight of blood, fainting due to dehydration and/or forceful yakking, etc. But, Ron's a "professional" yakker, so, why did it happen now? Not sure; could have been the result of elevated potassium, force of yakking, possible dehydration, or the cutoff of blood circulation due to the positioning as he was yakking (similar to reaction when you stand with your legs locked, blood pressure drops and you don't get enough blood/oxygen to your heart and brain); or a combination of all of these things.

Will it happen again? No one can say.

Some of our biggest concerns are: what would have happened had Ryan not found him, why was he unresponsive for such a long period of time and what can we do to guard from this happening again? No one has any answers to these questions. The only thing Ron can try to control is his position/posture when he yaks; try not to get into such a compressed crouching position. He tried that this afternoon when he yakked and ended up pulling a muscle in his back....poor guy, feels he can't win for losing!

I have to confess, it would be very easy to give in to fear and never want to leave Ron alone, but this is what faith is all about isn't it? We can't spend our days living in fear, being consumed by the what if's of life. Jesus came that we might live an abundant, victorious life...He never said it would be easy.

"For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory. And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." I John 5:5

Choosing to trust that God's strength is perfected through our trials,

From Streams in the Desert 2

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning: Psalm 30:5

A.W. Dixon wrote: "It is better to have darkness with stars...than all sunshine and no stars"

"Any man can sing by day; but only he whose heart has been turned by the gracious hand of Jehovah can sing in the darkness...only the peace of God can give gladness in the darkness of adversity. God gives joy in sorrow; and when the sad one sings through his tears, then the Lord comes to him with new and more tender assurances....that which is born of trust rises in rapture" ~ Wm. M. Taylor

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