It's been a busy, busy week with rounds two and three of our Spring Break Presby-palooza on Monday and Wednesday respectively.
Monday's study revealed Ron's duodenum (first section of intestine just past stomach) collapses into itself when he's lying flat on his back, keeping things from passing from the stomach into his intestines. It will then periodically "burst open" releasing everything. Thus, one of the reasons insertion of j-tube was unsuccessful Friday. This is also a HUGE contributor to his nightly reflux.
Dr. D also said study showed he still had quite a bit of dye in his system from Friday's procedure and encouraged him to drink alot of water over the next couple of days to help flush out. Unfortunately, Wednesday's procedure also involved introducing more dye.
The high amounts of dye he was subjected to over a five day period really did a number on his system, thereby causing a need to stay close to home the remainder of the week; while also heightening the possibility of dehydration. Hopefully, by Monday it should all be behind him (sorry, just couldn't help myself!)
Wednesday's procedure was a success! Dr. D was confident it would go smoothly after having had a bird's eye view of how his digestive system works and said it would take 20-30 most an hour. I was getting a little concerned once we reached the 2 hour mark and he was still in; then again, I should have expected it with my unique guy. . The j-tube insertion from stomach to duodenum did go smoothly; weaving his way through the rest of the duodenum and jejunum to get past the functionally blocked section was quite a challenge, since his does not take the normal path. The longest j-tube they have was b-a-r-e-l-y long enough to reach the area needed.
Recovery was a breeze, since he was awake throughout the entire procedure, and we were home by early afternoon. We're hoping for another added benefit - now that the j-tube is in place, it should help to keep the duodenum open (as opposed to collapsing into itself when he's sleeping), thus keeping the reflux at bay.
What now?
He is to inject 12 oz of water 3 times a day via j-tube for the next week to see how his body intestines tolerate. He is also to keep oral intake of food to a minimum since the j-tube is threaded through the g-tube (a tube within a tube); the g-tube will be more likely to clog thereby causing yakking. So far things are going ok. The tube feed (water) causes some cramping; he's had a couple of yakking episodes and one episode of tubing coming apart (that was a lovely mess to start St. Patrick's Day...what a way to go green!)
We are so very thankful both of these procedures were able to be performed as outpatient. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed at night; and napping in your own recliner during the day!
We kept things pretty low-key the rest of the week, with the highlight of Spring Break being keeping our girls while both mommy and daddy worked Friday.
One of my favorite things I look forward to over Spring Break is planting flowers. With everything else going on, as well as finances being as they are, I didn't think I'd have the opportunity. However, we were blessed with an unexpected financial gift by some sweet friends which allowed us to pick up some flowers, potting soil and mulch today. I've been one dirty, sweaty, happy camper as I've pulled out the old, dead stuff and planted beautiful, blooming hibiscus, Mexican heather, alyssum and a few others. Tomorrow afternoon, I plan to weed my rose bed and spread mulch, yippee!!!
There's just something therapeutic about working in the soil. As we were making our selections; I was thinking how many analogies there are in the Bible making comparisons of our lives/hearts to plants/planting/soil:
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit; while very branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1
"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5
The parable of the four soils: Luke 8:5-15 (selected):
"A farmer went out to sow his seeds. (The seed is the word of God) As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path (the ones who hear and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved)....Some fell on rock (those who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no the time of testing they fall away). Other seed fell among thorns (those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. Still other seed fell on good soil (those...who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop).
John 12:24
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."
1 Peter 1:23-24
"You have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, all men are like grass and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever"
Thank you, Father, for speaking in ways that I may understand, and retain (some of the time!).
Happy Spring!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Going Deeper
Thanks everyone for your sweet words of encouragement and care!
Ron was in quite a bit of pain for the first 24 hours, but is doing much better today and actually felt up to eating a little.
I know my last email caused some concern, but I want to assure you we are doing well emotionally and spiritually; evidence you've been praying and God has been answering!
We'll be off again bright and early to Presbyterian for swallow study tomorrow. Please pray things go smoothly and it provides definitive direction.
You are much appreciated and loved!
God may allow our hearts to be broken so He can get deeper into them.
"For though He wounds, He binds and heals again. He will deliver you again and again, so that no evil can touch you." Job 5:18 & 19 The Living Bible
Ron was in quite a bit of pain for the first 24 hours, but is doing much better today and actually felt up to eating a little.
I know my last email caused some concern, but I want to assure you we are doing well emotionally and spiritually; evidence you've been praying and God has been answering!
We'll be off again bright and early to Presbyterian for swallow study tomorrow. Please pray things go smoothly and it provides definitive direction.
You are much appreciated and loved!
God may allow our hearts to be broken so He can get deeper into them.
"For though He wounds, He binds and heals again. He will deliver you again and again, so that no evil can touch you." Job 5:18 & 19 The Living Bible
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I Still Believe
Friday proved to be a l-o-n-g day at Presby. We had to arrive by 8, however procedure didn't get started until 11:30. Dr. D said it would take about 2 hours to replace the PICC, super-size the G-tube and get J-tube inserted and threaded down to optimal area of intestines.
2 hours passed; then 3 and then 4...and I'm trolling the vending machines for some powdered-sugar donuts; my go to food when I'm feeling anxious at Presby. Fortunately/unfortunately, there were none to be found.
Finally, I'm told he's finished and has been taken to recovery. A few minutes later Dr. D comes out to talk with me. He was disappointed to report that he was unable to place the J-tube. He was able to get it into the stomach, however when trying to thread j-tube out of stomach, down the intestines, he kept running into dead ends. He finally gave up at the 4 hour mark.
Ron spent a little time in recovery and was then sent back up to his room in the outpatient unit with plans to be discharged; which he was after a couple of hours of observation, instructions for nothing by mouth for the next 24 hours and a lollipop for the ride home (love those lolli's!).
So, what now?
It's well known that my hubby's anatomy is quite unique due to the numerous surgeries, procedures and complications he's experienced. His intestines are not in the same position as most of us; nor does it follow the normal back and forth loopy pattern. He has many sharp turns and angles, add in all the tethering and it becomes a twisty, turny roller coaster. Dr. D feels when Ron is lying flat on his back his intestines lay over on themselves; which would contribute to the severe reflux he experiences.
Plan is to do a swallow study on Monday morning (at Presby, of course). This will give them a better idea of the path to take. They will then try again to insert the j-tube on Wednesday.
It was a very quiet car ride home. We were both disappointed, discouraged and felt totally beaten down. And, I confess, I wanted to stomp my feet, throw a little hissy fit and scream "REALLY, God? Can't we catch one little break????"
I want to be able to pray "Your will be done" and mean it; but there are times when we just want things to be less complicated and go according to the plans we've made.
But, God....
I could stop right there; that's all I should need to remember...but, God!
Now there's nothing wrong with wanting something; praying for something to go a certain way. Jesus didn't necessarily want to wait so long to go to His friend, Lazarus, before He died. And Lazarus's sisters prayed for God to heal their brother. But God had a different plan in mind. One that went far beyond healing Lazarus's sickness. (John 11:1-45) The key is whether we are willing to give up what we want and submit to His plan. To be able to pray "Your will be done" and really mean it!
No, He doesn't work according to what I want. But, He always works according to His eternal plan. And that plan, my friend, is P-E-R-F-E-C-T!
Please continue to keep my sweet guy in your prayers.
Much love,
As we were traveling home, this song came on and I felt it really spoke to our hearts. Yes,
believing is a choice.
Enjoy video link below.
I Still Believe - Jeremy Camp
Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain
'Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it's my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain
Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokenness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near
'Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
'Cause I still believe
Well I still believe
I still believe
I still believe
2 hours passed; then 3 and then 4...and I'm trolling the vending machines for some powdered-sugar donuts; my go to food when I'm feeling anxious at Presby. Fortunately/unfortunately, there were none to be found.
Finally, I'm told he's finished and has been taken to recovery. A few minutes later Dr. D comes out to talk with me. He was disappointed to report that he was unable to place the J-tube. He was able to get it into the stomach, however when trying to thread j-tube out of stomach, down the intestines, he kept running into dead ends. He finally gave up at the 4 hour mark.
Ron spent a little time in recovery and was then sent back up to his room in the outpatient unit with plans to be discharged; which he was after a couple of hours of observation, instructions for nothing by mouth for the next 24 hours and a lollipop for the ride home (love those lolli's!).
So, what now?
It's well known that my hubby's anatomy is quite unique due to the numerous surgeries, procedures and complications he's experienced. His intestines are not in the same position as most of us; nor does it follow the normal back and forth loopy pattern. He has many sharp turns and angles, add in all the tethering and it becomes a twisty, turny roller coaster. Dr. D feels when Ron is lying flat on his back his intestines lay over on themselves; which would contribute to the severe reflux he experiences.
Plan is to do a swallow study on Monday morning (at Presby, of course). This will give them a better idea of the path to take. They will then try again to insert the j-tube on Wednesday.
It was a very quiet car ride home. We were both disappointed, discouraged and felt totally beaten down. And, I confess, I wanted to stomp my feet, throw a little hissy fit and scream "REALLY, God? Can't we catch one little break????"
I want to be able to pray "Your will be done" and mean it; but there are times when we just want things to be less complicated and go according to the plans we've made.
But, God....
I could stop right there; that's all I should need to remember...but, God!
Now there's nothing wrong with wanting something; praying for something to go a certain way. Jesus didn't necessarily want to wait so long to go to His friend, Lazarus, before He died. And Lazarus's sisters prayed for God to heal their brother. But God had a different plan in mind. One that went far beyond healing Lazarus's sickness. (John 11:1-45) The key is whether we are willing to give up what we want and submit to His plan. To be able to pray "Your will be done" and really mean it!
No, He doesn't work according to what I want. But, He always works according to His eternal plan. And that plan, my friend, is P-E-R-F-E-C-T!
Please continue to keep my sweet guy in your prayers.
Much love,
As we were traveling home, this song came on and I felt it really spoke to our hearts. Yes,
believing is a choice.
Enjoy video link below.
I Still Believe - Jeremy Camp
Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain
'Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it's my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain
Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokenness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near
'Cause I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
'Cause I still believe
Well I still believe
I still believe
I still believe
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Spring Break...Let the Fun Begin!!!
Ahhhhh....! I'm actually getting a head start on Spring Break by taking off tomorrow. Though it might make you jealous, I couldn't wait to share where I'm spending SB '11. Bright and early tomorrow morning, my sweetheart and I are headed out to ....Presbyterian!!!! Woohoo!!! What better way to spend a school break than with our friends at Presby??
Ron will have several procedures performed tomorrow and I'm so thankful I won't have to worry about missing any work next week as I tend to my guy.
Although the G-tube has been successful in keeping him from yakking, he's still unable to eat much without the tube getting clogged, so Dr. D will place a new, larger g-tube in the same location in hopes of alleviating this issue.
Dr. D willl also insert a new PICC line. Ron is having problems with his current PICC line -- one of the lines will not flush and the other has become very difficult to flush as well..not a good thing when your nutrition is dependent on IV access.
And last, but not least, he will be getting a J-tube (J- jejunal - which refers to a specific portion of your intestines). They will actually place a double lumen at the g-tube site. One of the tubes will be to drain the stomach; the other tube will be threaded down his intestines in order to give direct feeds. The intestines only receive nourishment from that which directly passes through them, unlike the rest of the body which can receive nourishment through artificial IV nutrition (TPN).
The goal is to get the bowel fed directly by placing the J-tube and hooking up liquid feeds directly to the intestines in order to get it "beefed up". Hopefully, as the lower portion gets "exercised" by this type of feeding, and that area becomes healthy, it will have a ripple effect with the upper portion of the intestines eventually getting healthier, as well.
Ron has a large section of bowel that is "functionally" blocked. It is not physically blocked, however, due to all the scar tissue, as well as nerve damage in that area, it acts as if there is a physical blockage. Dr. D will attempt to thread the J-tube down past this area to have the greatest chance of success.
He will continue to be hooked up to TPN at night and now add in the J-tube feed. He also has the option to take in food orally but is not dependent on oral foods being absorbed.
We are so very thankful for Dr. D, Dr. A and Dr. S. Their tenacity and persistance knows no bounds. They are always researching ways to get Ron healthier in order to ensure the best quality of life possible.
Enjoy your Spring Break. If we come to mind; please say a prayer on our behalf!
Much love,
"When you pass through the waters...they will not sweep over you." Isaiah 43:2
God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed. Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched.
J.R.M (not sure who this is, but love the quote!) Streams in the Desert
Ron will have several procedures performed tomorrow and I'm so thankful I won't have to worry about missing any work next week as I tend to my guy.
Although the G-tube has been successful in keeping him from yakking, he's still unable to eat much without the tube getting clogged, so Dr. D will place a new, larger g-tube in the same location in hopes of alleviating this issue.
Dr. D willl also insert a new PICC line. Ron is having problems with his current PICC line -- one of the lines will not flush and the other has become very difficult to flush as well..not a good thing when your nutrition is dependent on IV access.
And last, but not least, he will be getting a J-tube (J- jejunal - which refers to a specific portion of your intestines). They will actually place a double lumen at the g-tube site. One of the tubes will be to drain the stomach; the other tube will be threaded down his intestines in order to give direct feeds. The intestines only receive nourishment from that which directly passes through them, unlike the rest of the body which can receive nourishment through artificial IV nutrition (TPN).
The goal is to get the bowel fed directly by placing the J-tube and hooking up liquid feeds directly to the intestines in order to get it "beefed up". Hopefully, as the lower portion gets "exercised" by this type of feeding, and that area becomes healthy, it will have a ripple effect with the upper portion of the intestines eventually getting healthier, as well.
Ron has a large section of bowel that is "functionally" blocked. It is not physically blocked, however, due to all the scar tissue, as well as nerve damage in that area, it acts as if there is a physical blockage. Dr. D will attempt to thread the J-tube down past this area to have the greatest chance of success.
He will continue to be hooked up to TPN at night and now add in the J-tube feed. He also has the option to take in food orally but is not dependent on oral foods being absorbed.
We are so very thankful for Dr. D, Dr. A and Dr. S. Their tenacity and persistance knows no bounds. They are always researching ways to get Ron healthier in order to ensure the best quality of life possible.
Enjoy your Spring Break. If we come to mind; please say a prayer on our behalf!
Much love,
"When you pass through the waters...they will not sweep over you." Isaiah 43:2
God does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed. Yet when we are at our point of need, God's hand is outstretched.
J.R.M (not sure who this is, but love the quote!) Streams in the Desert
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It's here!!! Ron tells his story
Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...
This morning, Ron had quite a surprise when I woke him to "unplug" his TPN and flush his PICC line. In honor of our anniversary, I...
Bless his heart...Ron's episodes continued to get progressively worse throughout the day! Last night he had fever. Today's first epi...