Thursday, January 31, 2008
They are hoping to try tube feeding again in the near future. He really needs this to be successful in order to start gaining more energy and hopefullly weight. Which leads me to our next bit of news; each of the "cavities" in his belly are virtually dried out and collapsed except for a small tunnelling in each where drainage tubes have been (or are) in place. Very good news!!! Even the cavity where the fistula (colon tear) is located is pretty much a couple of small tunnels. Now we are waiting for the incision site (holes in belly) to close up. They know his colon will continue to leak when they start to feed him but it will be a controlled leak that will be drained by his one existing JPeg. And the benefits of feeding directly to his intestines far outweigh the controlled leak.
When they came in yesterday afternoon to change the wound vac on the incition site, they found that the JPeg (drainage tube) that is in that area was right below the hole...we could all see it very clearly! They consulted with Dr. Parikh and he said take it out, the wound vac would pull out any fluid it would have drained. So, right then and there, they pulled it out! Thankfully, Ron starts hitting his morphine button as soon as he hears Wound Care is on his hall (they also goop up his belly with a lidocaine gel before they begin.) He says the only thing he feels is when they take the tape off...which is BAD!! His allergy to tape, combined with the tightness they have to use to adhere it with to keep a good seal, makes for some painful moments. What a blessing he can't feel all the digging around they do in there. They actually probe around then push a piece of foam cut to size into the cavity; cover it with a black sponge thing (it actually looks just like one of the filters in Ron's aquarium) before covering it with a special tape. Probably too much information for some of you but just wanted you to know we're getting quite a medical education here!
On another note, Kristin got word today that her Meme had passed. We're so thankful Aaron and Kristin were able to go to Abilene last weekend to see her one last time. They will leave Saturday evening after Aaron gets off work to travel down to Kingsville for the funeral on Monday (which is Aaron's 23rd birthday). Please pray for Kristin, Aaron and the Bailey family during this time.
Ryan and Kristin have both been sick this week and Aaron is still fighting the remnants of his cold. I'm sure a good part of it is lack of down time...their bodies need some rest but they want to come see their Daddy as much as they can. Making the trek over here several days a week on top of working full time is wearing on them. We are so blessed to have such great kids!
There's going to be a lot of activity at our house over the next few weeks. The boys and Kristin have been busy packing things up, moving & cleaning things out and getting Ron's beloved salt water tank ready to be temporarily moved. This weekend, our 12th grade Sunday School class along with Youth leadership under the supervision of Becky Levy, will be doing demo work in preparation for the accomodations to be made before Ron comes home. Our good friend, Jim Collier will add his expertise as well as Ron's brother-in-law, Tony and a whole slew of others. Ron's brother, Leonard, and his wife, Nancy, will be coming in from El Paso on the 9th and he'll stay here a week to help with the heavy duty work. We are incredibly blessed by all of these (as well as all of you)!!!!
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40
Know that you are blessing the Father as you minister to our family!
Much love to each of you!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hasta lavista Drain #4!
They came to take him to radiology about 9:30 and he was back by 12:30. They removed one of his drainage tubes, drain number 4, YEAH!! But, he had a wound vac added to his collection of medical paraphenelia to help close the hole in his belly. Unfortunately, wound vac was done in his room by a wound care specialist therefore he was awake and it was pretty painful. Fascinating to watch, but not for the squeamish! If you want details, let me know (Laura, can't wait to compare notes!) Basically, he traded one small Jpeg drain for another piece of equipment that is attached to vacuum on IV pole. That IV pole is getting to be a bear to push when we go on our walks!
Didn't see any of the doctors after procedure so don't have any details as to what the fistula-gram showed but should have more information tomorrow.
I'll update when I know more!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Spirit of Thankfulness
Ron did not go down for Interventional Radiology last week. His drainage output had stayed the same so, there was no reason; it didn't slow down any since the last time so they wouldn't take any tubes out and there was no need to look at things otherwise. Dr. Parikh said he will go tomorrow, although the nurse today said he wasn't on the schedule she looked at so, we'll see. The hope is to get another tube (or two?) out.
He's done well since being off all antibiotics, about 10-12 days now! His immune system has to pretty much build itself back up since it's been so suppressed with all these big gun antibiotics for so long!! His white blood count still fluctuates up and down between 12,000-17,500 but they aren't concerned at this point. No fever, or any other signs of infection.
This morning, he was pretty puny feeling; when we started out on our morning walk he started having blurred vision, felt weak and light-headed. We thought it might be his blood sugar but it was good and his blood pressure was normal so we put him back in bed for a couple of hours. By the time PT came this afternoon, he was feeling fine.
Other than being very weak, he feels pretty good most of the time. As good as can be expected with all the tubes, not having eaten anything other than ice chips since October (other than the TPN, IV nutrition)! Of course, he gets wiped out very easily and has lost about 35+ pounds. He doesn't have much pain...except for the tubes (which are attached to his skin with stitches) pulling and when they have to remove dressings.
The main problems remain the tears in the colon and the hole in his belly. We'll have a better idea tomorrow as to how those are progressing.
PT has tried working with him a couple of times with a cane, he does pretty well. He's still so weak it's easier, and he feels more comfortable, having the walker to help bear his weight. At this point the cane is pretty exhausting for him. They are not leaving a cane here in the room; only want him using it when they are here to assist him.
Ryan is in Florida for Stacee's birthday this weekend; Aaron and Kristin went to Abilene to spend time with her Meme, who is in the end stages of Alzheimer's. I think it's good they were all able to get away. I know it's been difficult on them working full time, helping us out so much with the house and getting everything ready for the home renovations and then taking time to spend up here so often.
As I was reading this morning I was reminded how we are to have a spirit of thankfulness; thought I'd share an especially appropriate portion of my reading from Elisabeth Elliot:
Accept, positively and actively, what God has given. Let thanksgiving be the habit of your life.
Such acceptance is not possible without a deep and abiding belief in the sovereign love of God. Either He is in charge, or He is not. Either He loves us, or He does not. If He is in charge and loves us, then whatever is given is subject to His control and is meant ultimately for our joy.
Sometimes He gives us things of beauty, things for which we give thanks at once with all our being. And sometimes they are things which break our hearts--(we know that He allowed it, though we don’t know why), but gifts in that He gives to us Himself--His presence, His never-failing love, in the midst of our pain. We may offer up those very pains, those inexplicable catastrophes that baffle us to silence. We may even give Him our broken hearts, for the sacrifices of God, we are told, are "a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart." If we make thanksgiving the habit of our life, our morning prayer will be, "Lord, what will you give me today to offer back to you?"
Copyright© 1979, by Elisabeth Elliot
Christie & gang
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
9th floor excursion
The last couple of days Ron has walked about 600 feet and has taken care of quite a bit of business...working on the computer and making phone calls, probably about 4 hours yesterday and 2-3 today. He's enjoying being part of the real world, again! And of course he has PT and/or OT each day, so his days are quite busy when you add sitting up in chair (2 1/2 hours yesterday!), bathing & grooming, plus naps in between.
He should be going down to Interventional Radiology in the next few days but haven't heard when it will be.
On another note, we got a phone call from a detective with Tarrant County informing us they had recovered the items that were stolen from Aaron's truck...which was mainly paperwork. He said the guy was "bad news" when they made a raid on the guy's place he was hiding in the bathtub with a loaded 45. He encouraged us to contact all the main credit reporting companies because this guy has several offenses against him already for identity theft. Please pray with us that nothing like this has happened with our credit.
Good night! And thanks for your continued support!
Love, Christie & family
"...this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 NLT
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Target Date!
For those of you who have offered to help, we are planning several work days before homecoming...I'll let you know details as firm ones are made.
As of today, we now have a "target" date for Ron to go home...@ Feb. 16...that's 4 weeks!!!. Of course, this is very dependent on how he progresses over these next few weeks. It's nice to know he doesn't have to stay here at the hospital until his next big surgery to reconnect his intestines (which will take place sometime either in spring or early summer).
We know for sure he will go home with no fewer than 4 tubes (at least 1, possibly 2, to suction), IV & TPN (IV nutrition), hospital bed, and walker. And continue to only be allowed ice chips by mouth. He's doing well, now able to walk about 350 feet a couple of times a day. He still tires easily which is to be expected, and his sleep pattern is quite erratic. Baby steps, but we'll take each one as they come!
As I was reading this morning, this chapter made me think of each of you! We continue to be humbled by your support and so blessed to have such wonderfully faithful family and friends! We pray we are as supportive and encouraging to you! May we be faithful to rejoice with you, when you rejoice; to cry with you when you have sorrow; and to bear your burdens when you are in need. But mostly, to faithfully stand in the gap, lift you to the Father and help you to keep your focus on Jesus.
This is our prayer for you:
"In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm. May He send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you from Jerusalem. May He remember all your gifts and look favorably on you...
May He grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers.
Now I know that the Lord rescues His anointed. He will answer from His holy heaven and rescue by His great power. Some boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. They will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm.
Give victory...O Lord !
Answer our cry for help."
Psalm 20 New Living Translation
Blessings to you!
Friday, January 18, 2008
daily schedule
- Hey guys,
God is good...He continues to bless us abundantly!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to report on yesterday's fistula-gram. Ron was done in radiology about 4 hours. Unfortunately, they were not able to remove any tubes. He was a little bummed about it but knows if it's not the right time then that's ok. They did some repositioning of tubes and feel good about how things look...hematoma in upper chest is virtually gone and other pocket of fluid has reduced more as well. Only negative-- they found that he has two leaks in the colon. They believe it has been there all along, not a new leak. Now that things are "drying out" they are able to better see exactly where leakage is coming from instead of just seeing a cavity of fluid. He will have another fistula-gram next week.
He did get his catheter out...YEAH!!! It had been in since October 19! And they discontinued all his antibiotics, both very big steps!!! He has no signs of infection and has had no fever since he arrived at Presby; they also need to make sure the antibiotics aren't covering anything up.
There's talk that Ron may leave the hospital in the next 3-4 weeks. Not set in stone and no confirmation as to whether this will be directly home or to an acute care facility. He will then have to come back sometime in the late spring/early summer (dependent on healing) for surgery to reattach intestines.
I don't go out often but went out the other day to find I had a flat tire! Our sweet Aaron spent his day off up here yesterday in the freezing wind taking off the flat, taking it to be repaired and then putting it back on! While he was gone to get it repaired, someone parked in the space right next to the truck on the side where the wheel was off! Frustrating...poor guy!
l stay so busy and too tired to update each night so I thought I'd give you a glimpse of a typical day for us:
- 8-8:30 head down to Ron's room (try to arrive in time to catch any docs who may decide to come early). I work while Ron sleeps...he doesn't get alot of sleep at night but is pretty uninterrupted from 4-11AM so he usually sleeps until 10-10:30.
- @ 11 (if PT or OT hasn't come) I assist him in getting up to brush his teeth, do his exercises and go for a walk. After returning he sits in a chair (up to an hour) at which time he shaves and I bathe him & wash his hair.
- 12:00 back to bed for Ron and then we go over business calls and take care of related paperwork.
- 1:30 Ron is now wiped out so he takes a nap and I grab a quick lunch, then get back to work.
- Late afternoon, he's up again (with either OT, PT or me!) to do exercises and hopefully go for another walk. Then, we go over any new business calls that have come in.
- I go down to get some dinner @ 6-6:30 (unless the kids are coming, then I wait to eat whenever they get here)
- Work some more, then try to go for one more walk before I go up to my room to finish up some work, shower and go to bed @ 11:30-12. WHEW! Then we wake up and do it all over again!!!
Goal is to have him up 3 times a day but typically he can only handle it twice a day.
As always, I praise God for the ability to work from here! I cannot imagine how we could do this otherwise. And for Ryan, Aaron & Kristin--they are so sacrificial in all they do for us! We are blessed to have them so close.
And, of course, we thank God for each of you!!! We could not make it through this time without your love, encouragement, support and most of all your prayers! Forgive me for not being able to respond to each of you individually...We do appreciate and so enjoy reading your e-mails and your blogs on the website!
Much love,
Christie & fam
"...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
Matthew 25:40
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Drain #1---OUT!
Not much else to report other than OT today. They worked on his exercises and walked him a short distance in the hall. OT also spent a while talking with us about adaptations we need to make at home. Everyone's impressed with how well he's doing...and of course we're happy to hear that!
Dr. Shires has confided that he thinks Ron will be able to go straight home from Presby! We've been told all along he would need to go to an acute care/rehab facility after leaving the hospital but now he's saying home!!! No timeline to that as yet, and we're trying not to get our hopes up because he still might have to go somewhere else first's hard not to get too excited about the prospect! It is a little scary as well.
That means, we really need to get busy on making and implementing plans at home! Over the next couple of days we'll get online and start looking at flooring, etc. Heck of a way to get some remodelling done, isn't it?!
I should have more info to report tomorrow! Good night!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Very exciting: today in therapy Ron got himself up into a sitting position on the side of the bed--without ANY assistance (first time they haven't had to help his legs!) He then stood up using his walker (no human assistance!); walked to the sink, stood at the sink to wash his hands and brush his hair, then get back into bed without help!!! The only thing done for him, was management of all the tubes and lines! WOOOO HOOOO! He even sat on the side of the bed to do all his arm exercises...not having any back support made the exercises more difficult but he managed without too much pain. He then got back into the chair and sat there for about 30 minutes. All this was done with Occupational Therapy. If Physical Therapy comes today, he'll really be wiped out!!! He enjoyed getting a real, relaxing hair wash while sitting. (Actually, the hair washing also requires work on his part since he really has to stretch out those stomach muscles as he leans back to have his hair rinsed in the bucket!) He should sleep very well tonight!
I'll send out an update as soon as we know how things go with radiology! I'm hoping it won't be another all-nighter!
God is Good!
Love, Christie
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Strength for the weary
I'm so thankful for my room at Hotel Presby (9th floor of hospital). I can't imagine how I'd be able to keep up with my work and being with Ron, otherwise! Ron has been able to field business calls the last few days which is a great step forward but it requires my assistance I said, life is busy! It is such a blessing to have the kids here to help out!.They take care of the house, dogs, running errands for home and the business both and just all the everyday stuff that needs to be done. I know it's not easy running back and forth over here, too, but they never complain!
Nothing major has happened around here, just daily stuff! Ron is doing well and will have another fistula-gram tomorrow at noon (CT scan that specifically looks at leak in colon). He's hoping to get another drainage tube removed. They still have not been able to come up with anything to keep the belly sealed airtight which is keeping the belly from drying out and allowing the incision site to heal/close completely. So, not sure how that will effect decisions.
Still on the "big gun" antibiotics...Infectious Disease doc doesn't want to take him off of them since he's doing so well. Until they are sure the pockets of fluid and/or hematoma have cleared up things will probably remain the same.
All his stats continue to look good. He is now up to walking to the elevators and back a couple of times a day, which is about 250 feet (round trip each time). He's still very weak and today was more tired than usual, not sure if that's because of the push to walk further, lack of uninterrupted sleep or taking on some of the business stuff. Probably a combination of all these things. And I'm not sure how much of his strength/energy he'll be able to regain being exclusively on the TPN (IV nutrition). No talk of when they will try tube feeds again.
I think that's it for now! Will try to update more often!
Thanks for your continued prayers! Love,
Christie & fam
"He gives strength to those who are weary; more power to those who are weak"
Friday, January 4, 2008
Strong with HIS Power
It's been a while since our last update...time has flown since Ron moved onto the regular floor! I've also been really busy with work and by the end of the day, I'm too tired to update. Work hasn't changed (other than semester tests time!) but I had gotten into a pretty good routine which has changed now that Ron's out of ICU. So I'm working a several hours in the morning, a couple in the afternoon and then again in the evening and really trying to cram in alot on the weekends when the kids are here with Ron. I'm not complaining...I'm so blessed to be able to work in this way!
Now that he doesn't have to have all his drains to wall suction, they've been able to get him up and walking. He walked to the nurses' station (across the hall from his room) on Saturday and today they actually had him walk down the hall a little ways (about 80 feet!) He's sitting up in a chair a couple of times a day for about an hour each time. During bathing he is able to do his upper body on his own as well as his own shaving and over the weekend, he was able to cut his fingernails! Seems like such little things, yet such huge accomplishments. This is all exhausting for him, so in between he's sleeping alot. Unfortunately, he doesn't get alot of uninterrupted sleep at night since they have to flush his drains every 4 hours and it seems alot of other things they have to do and it sounds as if the nurses are having a huge party each night! Dr. Shires says they wanted him across from the nurse's station because of his high needs but will move him further down the hall once his needs decrease, since he'll be here a while.
Blood pressure and heart rate are stable so they only have to monitor every 4 hours. He's had NO fever in over 3 weeks; hemoglobin (blood count) is 9.9; white blood count has remained in the 11,000-13,000 range the last couple of weeks (pretty good for him) and kidney function has stayed within normal range as well. Blood sugar levels fluctuate somewhat but he hasn't had any huge swings in a while.
He goes for a CT scan and Interventional Radiology tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. We're hoping he'll be able to have a tube (or maybe two?) removed. Nobody has said anything like this, but with the pockts of fluid getting smaller, we can always hope!
That's all to report for now!
Please pray for good results with tomorrow's CT scan and that he will continue to gain strength and energy, as well as get replenishing rest.
Much love,
Christie & gang
"I will make my people strong in My power, and they will go wherever they wish by my authority. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Zechariah 10:12 NLT
the Living Bible says ..."Wherever they go they will be under my personal care."
God promises to make us strong with HIS power!...and what a blessed reminder that He is always with us!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Moving Day
Please pray as he adjusts to his new surroundings. His room has a nice big window that overlooks the front of the hospital which he will definitely enjoy. Downside is, he's right across from the nurse's station! A bit noisy...and add to that there is not alot of sound proofing in the walls between rooms, so especially pray he will be able to get some rest.
I'll write more tomorrow; now that Ron's out of ICU, I'm doing alot more hands on care, so I'm a bit tired this evening!
Love to you all!
PS: Another prayer request: As we look towards the future and Ron's eventual homecoming, we will need to do some things to get the house ready for him. He will be coming home on TPN (IV nutrition) and will also have a few tubes in, so we need to have a more sterile environment. We've decided we need to remove the carpet in the living room and hall and put down wood floors. But first, we need to remove the panelling and texture and paint the walls. And we will need to do some adaptations in our master bath. We are also seriously thinking, for Ron's safety, we may need to find a new home for Jessie and Sandie (our dogs). Please pray as we make decisions.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Long overdue updates!
Ron's day started bright and early! They actually took him down for CT earlier than scheduled and he went straight from CT to IR (Interventional Radiology). He was down there about 4 hours. Dr. Parikh was pleased to see that the large hematoma in his upper abdomen has shrunk considerably...from a very large mass causing discomfort and difficulty breathing to the size of a golf ball. Yeah God!! They kept all of the drains (repositioned one) and he now has only 2 of them to wall suction; the rest are to bulb suction. Dr. Parikh said if things continue on this same path, they may be able to start removing tubes in a couple of weeks!
They also put a different type of wound dressing on his incision site which should help it to dry out and heal (close up). This has been a problem area, because of all the fluid keeping the incision wet it has not allowed it to close up; when they flush the drains (every 4 hours!) some of it comes right back out through one particular area that is basically a hole in his belly. Dr.Shires jokingly says he needs a cork in it! Since he is allergic to tape, they've had a hard time finding anything they can put on it that would cause negative pressure so things don't leak out! And as the drains suck out the fluid it also sucks the air coming in from this area, so his belly, at times, sounds like someone blowing on a bottle. Along with the gurgling from one of the drains that sounds like coffee percolating, he's become a one-man band! The lengths he'll go to to entertain are inspiring, aren't they?
If things go well, and they are able to keep drains on bulb suction, he may be able to move to another floor tomorrow. Dr. Shires says today's scan looks much better than his scan 2 weeks ago so he will most likely move to a regular floor (6 West). Since he's not critically ill and 6 West is where all Dr. Shires' patients go, the nurses there are very familiar and used to dealing with all the types of tubes he has. He will go back to IR sometime in the next week unless he starts running a fever or shows signs of any other that case, it would be sooner.
Please pray as we all adjust to everyone being back to work. As the boys get into a routine, I know it will be hard on them. They want to be able to come see their daddy every day but that will not be possible. Doctors are constantly reminding us this is a marathon and we need to continue on with our normal lives but for now, this will be my normal. I'll do whatever it takes in order to be here! Things turn on a dime and we never know when they will come in and say he needs to have some kind of procedure done; and being that it's a good hour or more to get over here, none of us feel comfortable if I'm not here.
Ron has now lost all the excess fluid and he's back to having those chicken legs! He now weighs 75.7 kg (@ 166 lbs). Heck of a weight loss plan! I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, though!!!
That's all for now!
Thanks for your continued prayer support!
Christie & gang
" be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." Habakkuk 1:5
This note was in Ron's Bible:
*** God responds to our concerns by stating that He will do amazing acts that will astound us. When circumstances around us become almost unbearable, we wonder if God has forgotten us. But His word reminds us He is in control. God has a plan!!! ***
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
Today, we celebrated by giving Ron a much-needed haircut! WOO HOO! Between Aaron, Kristin and I, we did a pretty decent job; at least we got the length under control and it's only hair, it will grow back, right?
Tomorrow, he goes down (supposedly at 8AM) for another CT scan and possibly more Interventional Radiology. They check the pockets of fluid to see if they are shrinking and if so they will adjust the drainage tubes.
Because of all the drainage tubes being hooked up to wall suction, PT is only able to walk him to the window and back but he has been able to sit up in a chair for up to an hour at a time now twice a day. If it weren't for all the drainage tubes, he'd be doing takes more time to get all the tubes situated than it takes for them to actually do PT!
Aaron started his job with the YMCA last week and thinks he'll really like it. Unfortunately, when he left for work yesterday he found someone had broken into his truck...smashed in the passenger window but really didn't take anything but the contents of his glove box: owner's manual, all the receipts from work done on the truck, etc. They rifled through the console but left all his CD's; pretty crazy and very upsetting to both Aaron and Kristin. Fortunately, a glass company was able to come out right away and replace the broken window. They are beginning to get settled into their new apartment and community.
Ryan will begin his job with Brookdale soon. He's very excited and ready to get started. They have to finalize paperwork (criminal background check, drug test, etc) before he can begin and with the holidays, things are moving slowly. He spent New Year's Eve at a prayer service and felt it was such a great way to start off the New Year!
Nothing else to report otherwise. Dr. Shires says he's confident Ron will be out of the hospital this year! He's quite the jokster, huh?
Much love to each of you and may God bless you abundantly in 2008!
~ Christie ~
"Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16 NIV
It's here!!! Ron tells his story
Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...
This morning, Ron had quite a surprise when I woke him to "unplug" his TPN and flush his PICC line. In honor of our anniversary, I...
Bless his heart...Ron's episodes continued to get progressively worse throughout the day! Last night he had fever. Today's first epi...