Friday, January 18, 2008

daily schedule

  • Hey guys,

    God is good...He continues to bless us abundantly!
    Sorry I didn't get a chance to report on yesterday's fistula-gram. Ron was done in radiology about 4 hours. Unfortunately, they were not able to remove any tubes. He was a little bummed about it but knows if it's not the right time then that's ok. They did some repositioning of tubes and feel good about how things look...hematoma in upper chest is virtually gone and other pocket of fluid has reduced more as well. Only negative-- they found that he has two leaks in the colon. They believe it has been there all along, not a new leak. Now that things are "drying out" they are able to better see exactly where leakage is coming from instead of just seeing a cavity of fluid. He will have another fistula-gram next week.

    He did get his catheter out...YEAH!!! It had been in since October 19! And they discontinued all his antibiotics, both very big steps!!! He has no signs of infection and has had no fever since he arrived at Presby; they also need to make sure the antibiotics aren't covering anything up.

    There's talk that Ron may leave the hospital in the next 3-4 weeks. Not set in stone and no confirmation as to whether this will be directly home or to an acute care facility. He will then have to come back sometime in the late spring/early summer (dependent on healing) for surgery to reattach intestines.

    I don't go out often but went out the other day to find I had a flat tire! Our sweet Aaron spent his day off up here yesterday in the freezing wind taking off the flat, taking it to be repaired and then putting it back on! While he was gone to get it repaired, someone parked in the space right next to the truck on the side where the wheel was off! Frustrating...poor guy!

l stay so busy and too tired to update each night so I thought I'd give you a glimpse of a typical day for us:

  • 8-8:30 head down to Ron's room (try to arrive in time to catch any docs who may decide to come early). I work while Ron sleeps...he doesn't get alot of sleep at night but is pretty uninterrupted from 4-11AM so he usually sleeps until 10-10:30.
  • @ 11 (if PT or OT hasn't come) I assist him in getting up to brush his teeth, do his exercises and go for a walk. After returning he sits in a chair (up to an hour) at which time he shaves and I bathe him & wash his hair.
  • 12:00 back to bed for Ron and then we go over business calls and take care of related paperwork.
  • 1:30 Ron is now wiped out so he takes a nap and I grab a quick lunch, then get back to work.
  • Late afternoon, he's up again (with either OT, PT or me!) to do exercises and hopefully go for another walk. Then, we go over any new business calls that have come in.
  • I go down to get some dinner @ 6-6:30 (unless the kids are coming, then I wait to eat whenever they get here)
  • Work some more, then try to go for one more walk before I go up to my room to finish up some work, shower and go to bed @ 11:30-12. WHEW! Then we wake up and do it all over again!!!

Goal is to have him up 3 times a day but typically he can only handle it twice a day.

As always, I praise God for the ability to work from here! I cannot imagine how we could do this otherwise. And for Ryan, Aaron & Kristin--they are so sacrificial in all they do for us! We are blessed to have them so close.

And, of course, we thank God for each of you!!! We could not make it through this time without your love, encouragement, support and most of all your prayers! Forgive me for not being able to respond to each of you individually...We do appreciate and so enjoy reading your e-mails and your blogs on the website!

Much love,
Christie & fam

"...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me."
Matthew 25:40

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...