Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday's news

Ron was up 'til 2AM this morning!

Since he had slept most of yesterday, he couldn't sleep last night. But, he's done well not to sleep too much today. Dr. Shires was in this morning and removed one of the drainage tubes from the surgical site and said he will most likely remove the other drain Thursday or Friday.

His blood count looks good and kidney function is down a little (it had been elevated for a couple of days). He continues to be on strict bedrest, necessary, but hard for him. He is still sore so unable to move around much and having to lie flat on his back (other than elevating his head) is causing him to get very stiff and achy. But, his spirits are good and he's being patient about the postponement of eating.

Please continue to pray for the "flap" to scar/heal down. Also against edema (swelling); being on bedrest and getting extra fluids is beginning to cause fluid retention in his legs. And pray against blood clots...he is off the Lovenox for a while and we certainly don't want more blood clots to form.

We would appreciate your prayers for our family. Many decisions to make and changes taking place over the next few months.

"Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?" John 18:11

In order to have a sympathetic God, we must have a suffering Savior; for true sympathy comes from understanding another person's hurt by suffering the same affliction. Therefore, we cannot help others who suffer without paying a price ourselves because afflictions are the cost we pay for our ability to sympathize.

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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