Thursday, February 21, 2008


Sorry I haven't kept up as well lately. It's been a bit of a rough one. Since Ron's procedure on Sunday he's had quite a bit of pain, therefore had to take alot more morphine, which makes him sleepy and lethargic. Yesterday afternoon was the first since Saturday that he felt well enough to go for a walk. They tried tube feed again Monday and had to stop it on Tuesday because it was leaking out heavily.

He went to Interventional Radiology again yesterday (Wed). They decided to remove the lower tube (at the intestine), but leave the feeding tube in place. The plan is that that cavity will collapse down around the feeding tube. Hopefully, when they resume feeding again, he won't have the leakage from there. They also advanced the feeding tube a bit more down the intestine. The Jpeg tube (the one that drains leakage from the colonic fistula, in the upper right quadrant) has been taken off of bulb suction and now drains into a bag . They were hoping to downsize the tube from the hole in his colon (the old gastric tube) but healing had not advanced enough to do this yet.

He has been feeling much better today, getting that one tube out relieved a good deal of his recent pain. He was able to go on a long walk this morning and a therapy session this afternoon with PT. There is still concern that he is leaking out. The substance is very acidic and is a breeding ground for skin breakdown. Dr. Parikh and his partners will be meeting together to discuss what their next plan of action should be.

Ron has a new toy! I bought him an Etch-a-Sketch and he proceeded to spend an hour making a spotted dog that looked great! I can hardly make a box on one! He's also gotten hooked on Su Doku puzzles, thanks to the book from Debbie & Charles. Anything to keep his spirits up!

I think that's all the news from Presby for now!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...