Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good and bad news to report...

Good news: Ron is now walking without the walker! YEAH!!!

Bad news: He's leaking again.

Things had been pretty good the last few days; drainage in bulbs was just old blood, which is good; but sometime during the night his G-tube got clogged. They were having to empty his bulbs frequently and it was once again bile from stomach. We were all hoping things would continue to be better and he'd be able to have one of the tubes pulled back some tomorrow when he goes for his next scheduled set of "pictures".

And, his legs are once again very large! Left leg is larger than the right and it is definitely painful. The blood clots have caused swelling to increase. This is what gets him down; the swelling makes his skin extremely tight and painful, along with the added weight in his legs, which makes getting up and about difficult.

Please pray as he goes for "pictures" tomorrow and, being Friday, another wound vac change.

In case you didn't know, it is Nurse Appreciation Week so say an extra prayer and praise God for nurses! We have been truly blessed with some incredible nurses throughout Ron's stay here at Presby, as well as when he was at Harris HEB. And take the time to thank a nurse for answering God's call to serve in this very important (often unappreciated) profession

Much love,

"God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We cannot comprehend the greatness of His power." Job 37:5 NLT

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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