Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Golf Outing

It's been hard to find time to update right now with things being so busy!

Monday, Ron was able to be released for 4 hours of "recreational therapy" which meant I was able to take him to the golf tournament!!!! It was great! And it was definitely therapeutic!

We left the hospital at 11:30 and returned at 3:30. All the nurses, doctors, etc. were so excited for us; Dr. Shires and Dr. Arslanlar ( charge of TPN) were both in the room helping to get him ready before we left! Other than his overall state of weakness; therefore making movement extremely slow; he looked great in khaki's and a golf shirt! Amazing to see him looking so "normal" considering all he's been through!

They disconnected him from EVERYTHING...IV fluids, TPN, wound vac, gastric tube put to leg bag....basically, all we had to deal with were his two bulbs from drainage tubes. They also went over my list of things to remember: keep him out of the sun, have him wear open-toed shoes & a cap, make sure he doesn't get overheated, watch for signs of blood sugar dropping too low, have sugar on hand in case that happens. And of course made sure I had a lollipop, and all the other necessities. I was a little anxious but very excited as well.

So much work went into making the tournament a success and it certainly was! And the funds raised on our behalf...WOW!!! We are incredibly blessed and humbled by everyone's generosity! It was wonderful to see our friends, as well as family members, and even Ron's surgeon from HEB (Dr. Elieson) was there with a foursome. Ron was able to speak to the group at lunch to convey our heartfelt thanks.

Doctor's & nurses were in to check on him as soon as we returned to Presby and get him connected back up to everything. They were anxious to hear all the details of our little outing; and to check all his vitals. Good to see his blood sugar level was 94 without having had anything in 4 hours! We were both very tired and took a short nap Monday afternoon before Heather came to do wound vac change at 7.

Being off the IV for 4 hours made his overall body fluid level a little low which was causing a decrease in his blood pressure so they had to give him a bolus (extra amount) of fluids Tuesday. BP still slightly low today, but they don't seem to be concerned.

Tuesday he had CT and Interventional Radiology; nothing new...things are getting slightly smaller but no changes were made. He goes back on Friday and they are hoping to decrease size of lower tube and will inject something into the remaining hematoma in upper area to get that broken up.

Today was an uneventful day, wound vac change this's looking better each time. Somewhere down the road he will have surgery to totally close the incision site, but that won't happen until he is much healthier and has been eating for quite a while.

Thanks for your continued support and encouragement!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...