Wednesday, June 18, 2008

He's a fun-gi!

Well, I've always known I was married to a "fun-gi" and yesterday we found out officially, there is once again a "fungus among us!" (Sorry, I just couldn't help myself!)

Yes, his PICC line was harboring a fungal infection, which is what Dr. Liddell had suspected all along. He is back on the anti-fungal for 14 days and they will change out his PICC line again when he's had about 10 days of it...long enough to have cleared up majority of the infection but also have enough medication left to lessen the chance of new line getting infected.

He has several things going against him to heighten his risk of re-infection: TPN--the high fat content is a breeding ground; the steroids; multiple entryways (the holes where drainage tube and g-tube goes through skin as well as the plastic tubes themselves being breeding grounds) and he's already had a fungal infection (actually two now).

We know for sure we are here for at least another week and most likely longer. Other than that, things seem to be rockin' along pretty well. He will have Interventional Radiology either Friday or Monday at which time they will downsize his drain tube and reposition his g-tube which has gotten slightly out of position...still functioning ok but not in optimal position. Heather (wound care) looked at wound site yesterday and says it continues to heal well and is almost completely closed.

Love you all!

Psalm 62:5 "My hope comes from Him."

Delayed answers to prayer are not only trials of faith; they also give us opportunities to honor God through our steadfast confidence in Him even when facing the apparent denial of our request. Charles H. Spurgeon

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