Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today, we went out to lunch at Joe T. Garcia's, our favorite Mexican restaurant that has a beautiful outdoor eating area...first time Ron's eaten out since sometime early last October! He ate the broth from a bowl of chicken tortilla soup and enjoyed iced tea...such a mundane thing yet such a huge step! Because of the storm in the Gulf we've been experiencing some cooler weather today so we actually enjoyed dining outside.

We also took him to get a much-needed haircut. The lady told him, "I see you've had some home jobs lately." He didn't bother to tell her his wife was doing the best she could under great duress while he was in the hospital! HA! By the time we got home, he was in definite need of a nap.

We are trying to push Ron a little bit and get him out more to see how he handles the activity. We have an ulterior motive; our niece is getting married next week in Tucson and we both really, really want to be there! It would be so good to get away AND to be able to spend time with all the family. This last year has given us an even greater appreciation for our family and how important it is to spend time together making memories!

We had mentioned the prospect of going to the wedding to Dr. Arslanlar a couple of months ago and he was all for it. He said he still has this goal in the back of his mind. Obviously, there are many logistics to work out; but he says all very doable. TPN will have to be shipped there in advance, letter of medical necessity to get all his paraphernalia through airport security, supplies to pack...YIKES!! Actually, finding clothes he can wear over the g-tube, binder and swollen legs will be difficult but getting his swollen feet into a pair of shoes will be the biggest challenge!

We will wait until Monday after his next CT and IR to make a final decision, though. Dependent on how things go, we will plan to arrive a couple of days early so Ron has those days to rest before all the activities begin Friday evening. Please pray for our discernment.

Wednesday is our day TPN and other supplies are delivered; the day Dr. Arslanlar makes changes in TPN if needed, evidenced by blood test results or any symptoms experienced. Ron is progressing well, with setbacks being smaller each time. Now that he's eating (drinking) more, he has started having more swelling in his legs and gaining about a pound a day (now up to 196!) so, as of today, they have backed off on his amino acids (protein) as well as discontinued the filtered water they put in the TPN. Hopefully, this will help decrease the swelling.

This morning, as I was out walking (enjoying the cooler weather); I started getting a little anxious thinking about starting back to work in a couple of weeks. My heart and mind were racing wondering: How are things going to work out? What if...?; How will we...?, etc. And then I thought how dare I question God's plans? Hasn't He shown Himself faithful many times over? Hasn't He promised to go before us? Doesn't He tell us to "be anxious for nothing" and to not worry about tomorrow? I love it when God speaks so clearly; reassuring me of His sovereignty and sufficiency; reminding me my job is to trust and allow Him to work, however He chooses, knowing His plan is so much bigger and better than mine! So, we'll keep placing one foot in front of the other, stepping out in faith!

Much love to each of you,

PS: I promise I'll get to those bazillion thank you notes soon! Know you are not unappreciated!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...