Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Wrestling" Ramblings....

“Jacob wrestled with God” is the title to a section of verses in Genesis 32

I’ve always struggled with this idea… It almost seems sacrilegious to think of Jacob physically fighting God. My thoughts scream "How dare Jacob wrestle (fight!) with God?"

And today, as I read again this section in Genesis, I thought how vain of me to think I’m so holy; that I would passively, willingly accept whatever God had in store…my pride (oh, how I hate that word!) made me think I would never be so bold as to question God in such a physical way!

Yet, how often do I wrestle with God…pleading with Him to find another way to accomplish His will?

I remember vividly November 4, 2008, begging, pleading; bargaining with God. Telling Him if it was His will for Ron to die, I knew He would make sure we were ok; but I didn’t want this to be His will! I wanted to grow old with Ron; experience the joys of life... family, grandkids,

But in essence, hadn’t I fought with God? Yes, I know His plan will always prevail…I can choose to submit to it and receive the blessing or fight it, knowing His plan will still come about; difference is I’m the one who loses the blessing. Yet, I also know He wants me to be passionate and fervent in my prayers! So, how does this fit together???

Throughout the Bible we read stories of people “wrestling” with God:

Abraham begged God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah even if “only ten innocent people are found there.”

Moses pleaded on behalf of the Israelites—even after they had made an idol while he was on the mountain with God receiving His instructions for His people.

Jonah ran from God and ended up in the belly of a whale! He didn’t want to go and preach God’s word because he “knew” God would change His mind once the Ninevites repented.

Even Jesus asked His Father if there was any other way this “cup” could pass

How does this all fit together? I suppose the key is obedience; He understands our desire to avoid suffering and honors our obedience to follow His will, whatever the cost.

Reference in Life Application Study Bible (NIV) says “Jacob continued this wrestling match all night just to be blessed. He was persistent. God encourages persistence in all areas of our lives, including the spiritual. Where in your life do you need more persistence? Strong character develops as you struggle through tough conditions.”


1 comment:

auntkasey said...

I have always enjoyed my time with you. I will always love and reference things you both taught me throughout my time in youth group, and even now 5 years later I continue to learn from you.
I guess it will always be true, when I grow up I want to be Christie Nordell.

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