Sunday, June 14, 2009

I've Got 2 Tickets to Paradise!

The countdown is week from today, we leave on our much-anticipated anniversary trip!

Ron had a follow up with Dr. A on Friday and was given the official go ahead. We have all the intensively planned, pro-active medical details in place, as well as a comprehensive synopsis of Ron's complex medical history, prepared by Dr. A, ready to hand to medical personnel should the need arise. He has also provided hospital and doctor contacts in both Anaheim and San Diego, just in case. We ARE NOT anticipating any problems, but because of his involved history; its important we be prepared for anything! Which I found out Friday included me learning how to remove Ron's PICC should anything drastic happen. I'm not sure I signed up for this when I accepted his marriage proposal! HAHA!! Life certainly has thrown us a few curve balls, but with God on our team...victory is ours!

So, the plan is we leave Sunday morning, June 21 for Anaheim, California where we will stay for 3 days; enjoying 2 of those days at Disneyland. It worked out great that some of our sweet family~niece, Julie and her boys, Jonah and Hudson, were planning to be there while in the states (they live in Greece) with some of Julie's family members. They graciously allowed us to horn in on their fun. We are super-excited to spend this time together.

On Wednesday, June 24 we will head down to San Diego, then return home Monday, June 29!

Keep your eyes open for another post to catch up on all that's been going on since summer break began.


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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...