Sunday, November 22, 2009

Giving Thanks

I had an epiphany (I love this word!) this week. Now, some of you will probably think, well isn't she quick to catch on! But, what can I say...

Working in my flower beds, or long walks alone, are my best prayer times. There's just something about being outdoors; quiet, all alone, away from distractions, that clears my head and opens my heart and mind to my Father's words of wisdom and instruction.

As I was out on a walk the latter part of my week (no, I wasn't working in my flower much as they need some attention and no matter how much I enjoy it, the idea of more "work" was not something I wanted to consider), I was finally still enough and quiet enough to really hear God speak to me. Of course, He speaks more gently and with greater compassion, but what it boils down to is: we're idiots!

How foolish we've been; we really set ourselves up for disappointment. Ron has only been home a week from a 12 day hospital stay-with 4 of those being in Intensive Care-and is still recovering from a nasty case of pneumonia and here we've been so depressed over his lack of energy and motivation; as well as his overall despondency? Why is it taking him so long to get back to where he was previous to this episode? Not very realistic is it?

We are so used to these little hospital "visits" that we often overlook the ramifications. Typically, when you've had a hospital stay you are prepared for a 4 to 6 week recovery period, yet Ron's been in for so many "minor" things, hospital stays are just part of our routine, therefore, our mindset is warped. A couple of days in the hospital is a huge difference from 2 major procedures, 4 days in ICU, 2 minor procedures and a case of pneumonia!

We tend to see ourselves as one of those "bop bags" we had as kids, you knock 'em down and they pop right back up. Amazing that no matter how often he was punched, that scary clown always had a smile on his face!

Remember, though, after days or weeks of punching, he seemed to lose his "umph", becoming droopy and more reluctant to pop back up so quickly? Typically, all he required was a little extra air, other times a major patching was needed; so we called on someone wiser and more experienced for assistance. We're the same, we can't handle repeated knock-downs without the assistance of those who have gone before us, experienced the hard punches of life and are there to help us bounce back. Most importantly, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf; He stands in the gap when we can't even muster up the strength to look up!

As I was reading this week in Psalm 107:22

"...offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and sing joyfully about His glorious acts"

these words from L.B. Cowman spoke to me:

"...a sacrifice of thanksgiving is to praise God when you don't feel like it; when you are depressed and despondent; when your life is covered with thick clouds..."

And I Thessalonians 5:18 says:

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you..."

Notice, it doesn't say FOR all things but IN all things; yet we can be certain God has a plan IN all things FOR all things!

A plethora (my other favorite word I hardly ever get to use!) of lessons here:
* the more times we get knocked down, the slower we are to get up
* the importance of calling on our Father when we need "inflation"
* we need each other
* why so many kids are afraid of clowns -- no matter how hard you try to push him away, he jumps right back at you with that maniacal smile...just like that clown jack-in-the-box! (Ok, not so spiritual, but am I right?!)

Hmmm, what an appropriate epiphany (there's that fun word again!) as we go into this week of Thanksgiving. We are to offer praise no matter the "season" of our life. As I'm often reminded (when I get still enough to listen), our internal well-being should not be dependent on our external circumstances. Elementary lessons of our faith, but sometimes the most easily forgotten!

As you approach this Thanksgiving season, reflect on all you have to be thankful for; yet don't overlook the importance of offering praise even during the difficult times of life when you just don't feel like it!

Giving thanks with a grateful heart with YOU in mind!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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