Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sit still...

Much-needed lazy day here at Presby. Last night was rough, Ron's IV seemed to be going off constantly...I was beginning to wonder if they had done it on purpose to evoke a seizure for the EEG!

Neurologist was in and said not all the data from the EEG had downloaded as yet, but what had, looks normal. He also said the MRI looked good, but the MRA of his brain showed what is either an artifact or could possibly be an aneurysm in the right front lobe of Ron's brain. From what I understand, an artifact is when you see something on an image that may not actually be there; could be a coil of vessels that take on the shape of something foreign or some other oddity. (Leave it to Ron to have this little phenomenon happen!) Given Ron's history of aneurysms, they feel it should be further examined, so he will be scheduled for a CT angiogram tomorrow.

I hadn't realized they were doing any MRA and didn't exactly know what it was, but now I know an MRA specifically produces images of blood vessels whereas an MRI produces images of organs, muscles, bones, nerves.

Ron is also to have a small bowel follow-through. Since both the CT angiogram and the small bowel follow-through require dye (contrast), which puts stress on the kidneys and he only has one; they aren't sure they will be able to do both on Monday. They will first check his kidney function from his early morning labs; if all looks well, they will try to schedule the CT angiogram first thing in the morning and small bowel follow-through later in the afternoon; in the meantime running alot of IV fluid through him. Obviously the CT angiogram takes precedence, if scheduling doesn't work that way, they will wait until Tuesday for small bowel test. So, no word as to when he'll be able to go home. We were told this afternoon he will also have to prove he can hold food down before being allowed to go home, therefore this evening's yakking was disappointing!

Whew, lot of technical stuff in this one! May be too much information, but as I always say; these e-mails are my therapy session...writing it out helps me get my head wrapped around what's going on.

By the way, this new information has absolutely nothing to do with what brought him here! Aye, aye unique husband! I call him my walking time bomb, never know what's going to go off next!

Please continue to pray for definitive answers and that we will be at rest as we wait.

As I was reading today, this verse and the commentary on it really spoke to me

"Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out.” Ruth 3:18

Waiting on God involves a time of testing.

Waiting on God assumes that God is working, with our best interest in mind.

When you must wait for God to work, what is the quality of your waiting time? Are you anxious, trying to make things work out, or are you resting in the better plan of God?

“Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act" Psalm 37:7

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...