Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"OOCH" better

Hello all!

It's been a fairly good day.

Enzyme levels have dropped some in the last 24 hours, still too high but a welcome start! Kidney function getting better...output slightly increased and creatnine is at 1.6; almost back to his normal! And white blood count is also slightly down! He has had a slight fever all evening and his blood pressure is still somewhat elevated but the surgeon and GI doctor say that does not concern them...it's not unusual for this to happen.

He says he's feeling an "ooch" better. We forced him to walk the hallway twice today and sit up in the chair for 30 minutes and boy was he pushing that pain med button during these times! Baby steps....but we'll rejoice over each one!

Not too sure about the Delautid (new pain med), tho. It's taking a while to be helpful. Even though it's a continuous drip, it is a very low dose so he's constantly pushing that button! The nurse said it may take a little while to build up in his system, and he hates to ask for the Demerol. So, he didn't sleep real well last night...He seems to only be dozing in and out, even throughout the night, on this med instead of a good sound sleep. It makes his hands twitch or actually it's like he's continually picking at things, fiddling with the sheets, etc. especially in his sleep. And he says he's having these constant mini-dreams. It's crazy he's talking out (nothing comprehensible) and wakes with a start (can't remember any of the dreams). At one time he woke up making motions of opening one of those little ice cream containers! Nurse is giving him Demerol right now so hopefully he'll have a sound night's sleep!

I on the other hand slept great last night! I heard the nurses come and go but I didn't get up with him at all...just pulled covers over my head to block the light and kept right on sleeping!

So, that's our news for today! Hope yours was a good one and look forward to having more good things to report tomorrow as well!

We're choosing to allow God to fill us with His hope and faith in knowing "The Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need" Ps 23: 1 NLT

Please remember, not ready for visitors yet!

Much Love, Christie

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