Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, Monday!

Good morning,

Busy night...lots of activity due to the concern with his kidney function but I'm glad to report it is slowly improving. Hospitals are never a quiet place and they were having to check his levels every hour throughout the night so it was extra busy. Mercifully, God promises to supply all our needs and we were able to get a little rest despite all the interruptions!

Dr. Luk (GI) was in late last night and is pleased with the slight improvement in blood panel. We were concerned because he had been vomitting some but he said that is actually ok, sign that he is getting the bile out of his stomach keeping them from having to run an NG tube down his throat into stomach to drain stuff off. Doctor Hall (endosopic surgeon) was in this morning but was unable to see Ron (he was down in radiology) but said he will be back in around 4-5. Doctors are in agreement that he has pancreatitis, not expected after procedure since it went so well, but not that uncommon either. Very painful.

Highlight of the day:

YIPPEE! today we've hit the jackpot...for whatever reason we have assigned to us 2 nurses, 2 techs and a nursing student whose only patient today is Ron! Nursing student has already apologized profusely for hovering but she's so enthusiastic after having read his chart and history! I'm sure she feels she won the lottery! No boring, routine patient for her...makes me think of Gray's Anatomy. It's so funny, they were clamoring all over the place to see who could get in here the fastest to get his bed changed while he was having xrays and have had several offers to be bathed (but he prefers that to be my they're out of luck on this one!!) Guess I'll be running interference all day!

Chief complaint at this time is still the belly pain....he's very distended from all the gas and fluids, etc and this causes alot of sharp, stabbing pains as well as cramping and of course the pain from the inflamed pancreas heightens this pain.

It looks like he may be here a while...doctors are not giving us any timelines at this point, just watch and wait.

We're not trying to ignore anyone but I have put phones on silent so we can get some sleep whenever possible!

He is still not up to having any visitors but we will let you know when he is!

Thanks for praying! Your support and encouragement is much needed and much more appreciated!

Love, Christie

"So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold." I Peter 1:6-7a NLT

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...