Thursday, March 18, 2010

Can it be....?????

Mila on left, Ella on right



Ella on left, Mila on right

Squirmy girls!

Ella on left, Mila on right

Can it be we've only known you for one month? It seems we've loved you all our lives!

Happy One Month Birthday, Ella and Mila!

Love, Grammie & Papa


Fliterary said...

They are soooo beautiful! I've been praying for them and am delighted to see them healthy and home.

Happy One Month, Mila and Alla!

Gigi and Peeps said...

Congrats! Isn't it just the best? I know exactly how you feel. After one short month you can't even remember life before them, nor do you want to.
Enjoy every minute it goes so fast but i will say so far each phase is even better than the last.

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