Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sedation anyone?

So, I think they should not only sedate the patients, but their family member as well! Ron won't remember all this but it's forever etched on my heart!

It was a very rough afternoon. Even though he was on enough drugs to knock out a horse, Ron was struggling. He was in alot of pain and started thrashing about, heart rate was staying in the 150' was awful! Finally, around 6:30 (just as visiting hours were over, he gave in to double doses of each of the drugs...sedative, paralytic, mild anesthesia, and narcotic. Poor guy. I was just about ready to throw in the heart was breaking for him! Seeing him so agitated with that wild, confused look in his eyes reminded me of when Aaron was coming out of the coma. When I left, I called my good friend Marcie to get a reminder that yes there really is a normal world out there; not just a mirage. And no, even though it feels like it at times, I'm not in hell with Satan using visions of a normal life to torture me.

When I went back for 8:30 visit, he was resting well. Heart rate in upper 90's to low 100's; blood pressure looking good and they have even been able to wean him from 8 mg to 2 of bp medication. Pray he will continue to rest well through the night.

Thanks so much for all your words and notes of encouragement! But mostly for your prayers!
Love, Christie

"Be strong and brave...Don't be afraid or discouraged, because the Lord God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you." I Chronicles 28:20 New Century Version
God loves us and protects us. In times of trouble, He comforts us; in times of sorrow, He dries our tears. Sometimes we may feel lost or afraid, but we're never alone; the face of God is always toward us. The Lord sees everything you do, and He watches where you go."
Prov 5:21 NCV

Remember, that God is as near as your next breath. So trust Him and turn to Him for solace and security.

He goes before us, follows behind us, and hems us safe inside the realm of His protection.
Beth Moore

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...