Saturday, March 15, 2008

As Dorothy said....

There's no place like home!!!

I won't say it's been trouble-free, but just a minor or two cliche. We were hoping to leave Presby no later than 3 but it was 4:30 before we got everything squared away. Well, almost everything...we had trouble getting Ron's syringes and pain med...I called all over looking for someone who had both of these in stock to no avail. Thanks to Tammy Latimer's tip, we found a pharmacy close to Presby that carried both. But, when I went to pick them up, I found our insurance would not cover the narcotic "lollipops" without a 48 hour waiting period.

After multiple calls back and forth between us, pharmacy & doctor's office nothing was settled. We could have purchased them out of pocket at a bargain price of $1612. Ron decided, he would make the one they gave him at the hospital last until we could work something else out. Praise God, we were finally able to get things expedited and Ryan drove back to Dallas this afternoon to pick them up for a price of $10. Crazy isn't it! Like I tell everyone, even "bad" insurance is better than no insurance!

Anywho, we arrived home around 6PM. It was a long drive for Ron but he tolerated it pretty well. He was more than ready to hit the recliner as soon as we walked in the door! And what a wonderful welcome home it was....our house is BEAUTIFUL! The flooring, paint, everything looks GREAT! We cannot begin to thank everyone who pitched in to make our renovation successful! I can't imagine what it would have been like to have to be rolling Ron's large suction device from room to room if it was still all carpet. And the bathroom renovations are so great for Ron, too. Having the taller countertop and the handrails in the shower, oh so helpful! We were also surprised to find our neighbor, Adrian, in our backyard putting the finishing touches on a new covered seating area. He's such a sweetheart!

Home healthcare nurse arrived around 8PM, TPN is set to begin at 9 each night and cycle through til 1PM, so he has an 8 hour break from tubes each day. She showed me how to add all the vitamins, insulin, etc to the general formula and set up the TPN for infusion. When she came back to unhook today at 1, she had me mix tonight's formula and I did the hook up by myself tonight. Our home looks like an apothecary!

He also requires flushing of 4 tubes twice a day and 1 once, which requires a total of 10 saline syringes a day. Plus dressing changes and drainage tubes emptied and measured as needed. He also has to be unhooked from G-tube suction any time he wants/needs to move from room to room. Whew!!! Makes for a busy day!!!

Neither of us slept very well last night, I'm sure it will take a night or two until we are used to our new/old surroundings.

I was so excited to get to cook dinner for our family tonight! It's been 5+ months since I've been able to choose and cook my own home-cooked meal. We had Spaghetti Carbonara...a family favorite, and it was great! Our sweet Kristin, was so sweet to go take care of the grocery shopping for us, and to help prepare dinner.

It was good to have Ryan and Kristin here the majority of the day, Aaron had to work but was here as much as he could be. The guys were so helpful doing all kinds of odd jobs around the house today. We are so blessed!

I'm sure there is more to relate but it's getting late, and time to do last flush of the evening!Thanks so much for your prayers as we settle in.

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...