Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I left Ron around 1:30 this morning; he was having a tough time getting comfortable so I bathed him, and gave him a back rub. Jenna (nurse) and I stood him up to change his sheets and shortly thereafter his heart rate dropped and blood pressure went up, not horribly but enough to cause Jenna to stay in the room with us for a while to keep an eye on things. This is the total opposite of what usually happens with him~~Ron said he felt a little "weird" but it passed pretty quickly. Hard to understand why his stats have suddenly become so "fragile" as Ron puts it; taking these dips and upswings. Nurses this morning said the rest of the night/morning was uneventful. And he's snoozing away now! ICU doc says they will continue to work on weaning him from Levophed (BP med) and he's ordered PT to work with him as well so they can see what his BP does when they get him up.

They are also working on getting the "right" formula for his TPN, which is a matter of tweaking things from day to day. Right now his blood sugars are all over the place and will be until this is worked out.

No one has mentioned going home but I would venture to say it would be at least a week or more before they would even consider. Obviously, he has to be stable for several days on all fronts before that could take place. First step is to get him out of ICU back to 6 West.

It's amazing, with all that's been going on with his blood pressure and heart rate, Ron says he feels ok. Gets some typical discomfort from drainage sites and from being laid up in bed but usually can't tell the difference when his BP is down. He's only needed his "lollipops" a couple of times.

As always, I'll post when I have any new information!

Happy Good Friday! Resurrection Sunday is on it's way!

Love, Christie

From my devotional reading yesterday:

"Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing" 2 Corinthians 6:10

...amid a multitude of trials, souls who love God will discover reasons for boundless, leaping joy...And during the most difficult hour that could ever enter a human life, it will be possible to bless the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...Not simply to endure or to choose God's will but to rejoice in it.

Ecclesiastes 7:14
"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other. "

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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