Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Puny :(

Sorry guys for the lack of updates. Ron was feeling pretty puny Monday & Tuesday; other than sleeping off and on both days he had alot of nausea and actually threw up a couple of times. Very blah! They took him to Interventional Radiology to check out his gastric tube Tuesday noonish. Thankfully, it is in the correct place and functioning well. Not sure what's causing the yucky feeling, though. They gave him an extra dose of Protonix (prescription antacid/heartburn which he already takes once a day), and even had him drink some Maalox (even though they knew the majority of it would be sucked out the gastric tube, they hoped some of it would coat his stomach.) First thing he's been allowed to swallow in five months....and of all things, it was Maalox; yuck! Finally started feeling a little better and was up for a walk @10PM. When we returned I bathed him, washed his hair, put him to bed and then headed up to my room to do the same for me!

His tummy feels somewhat better today, but he continues to be energy, weak. Dr. Shires says not surprising since last week he went into shock. His body was doing some great compensating until he was put under anesthesia for his procedure; then he was no longer able to compensate and things went downhill from there!!!. Again, praise God we were here...outcome could have been much, much worse. I guess I never realized how bad off things were...I knew they had talked about possible sepsis and I knew his blood pressure was way too low but he kept saying he didn't feel any different and I don't think I heard shock! Probably a good thing, I think I would have freaked out a little! I've had just enough of a medical terminology crash course to make myself dangerous! Then again, I'm sure it was God protecting me, keeping me calm.

No one's willing to give a date for going home...Dr. Shires says maybe sometime this month, but I'm not getting my hopes up; watching day to day. He also said this could happen again...that we're basically "chasing fluids"; pumping him up to keep him hydrated and giving diuretic to get excess fluid out of tissues. He lost 3 pounds of fluid last night!

I was reminded today that God wants us to be very specific in our praying, asking definitively In Matt 20:32 Jesus asks "What do you want me to do for you?" So....

Please pray that Ron will be more comfortable and able to get some good, rejuvenating sleep. He's really in a bad cycle of not being able to sleep nights and then sleeping most of the day. It's very important that he sleep, but it sure would be nice if we could get his sleep cycle back on track.

Also, pray that they will be able to get his TPN formula regulated, it's a delicate balance. His blood sugar has been up and down for the last few days, not horrible but needing insulin shots off and on. It's especially important that the TPN be able to not only meet his nutritional needs but keep him well hydrated.

Thanks for joining us in specific, earnest prayer!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...