Thursday, November 8, 2007

Another good day!


  • Off respirator and doing well!!!!
  • Blood work looks good; no indication of any new bleeding
  • heart rate and blood pressure remain stable
  • kidney level down another couple of notches
  • meds have been drastically decreased over the last several days

Things to pray for:

  • body will begin to void all the excess fluid he has required without assistance of meds (they do not want to have to use diuretics in order to protect kidney); his entire body is extremely swollen; left leg may continue to be very swollen due to blood clot
  • White Blood Count to come's at 35,000 but needs to keep trending down to more normal level (which is 10,000 or lower); this along with fever spikes would indicate infection
  • Pancreatitis is still our biggest enemy! Still could cause further complications if the enzymes continue attacking. ...we're praying the pancreatitis will be stopped in it's tracks!
    against dead tissue forming an abscess
  • He still has sepsis
  • for the doctors, nurses, techs...everyone who cares for Ron

Prediction is he will be on TPN (IV nutrition, which, from what we're told, is $1000 a day!) for at least 4-6 weeks before at which time they hope to attempt to feed him through tube. The doctors continue to be amazed; and we're quick to give God the glory!!! We were humbled to hear the nurse tonight tell us everyone loves coming into Ron's room; they call him the miracle man! She says it's refreshing to see that we give praise to God, acknowledging the miracle comes from Him. We're their favorite family...they all know what's been going on and are impressed with the sweet attitude we exhibit. May we continue to walk in a manner worthy of this call!

The doctor's are saying he will most likely require many months of rehabilitation and healing. Although, he is continually moving his feet and arms and tonight he was saying he needs to get up so he can be ready to see Aaron graduate (December 15). We're trying to be realistic, but also not limit God! His ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts!

This morning, as I was headed home for a shower and rest I was reminded of Abraham and Isaac and how God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham was willingly obedient and God blessed Him mightly by sparing Isaac because of this obedience. I praise God for allowing our obedience (to be willing to give Ron up) to be enough sacrifice!

I'm not sure why God has blessed me three times in sparing one of my loved ones lives (twice Ron; 1 time Aaron) but am so thankful He has!!! Then again, His word says He longs to be gracious to us! Thank you, Father!!!

Keep praying and giving all glory back to Him!!!

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

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