Wednesday, November 7, 2007

...sweeter than the day before

Each day is better than the day before! Sounds like a familiar tune....Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.....

Ron continues to hold his own. His heart rate, blood pressure and kidney function are all doing well. He has a great deal of swelling from all the fluids, so he looks "puffed up like a toad" as Dr. Elieson said he would. They are talking about possibly removing him from the ventilator tomorrow and decided today he was stable enough to place the filter in his inferior vena cava which will help catch any clots that might dislodge, reducing the chance of the blood clot in his leg from causing any damage to his heart. Procedure went very well and he was resting comfortably afterwards...he was actually awake during the procedure and told us which leg they ran the catheter through to place the filter!

He continues to use the symbol/alphabet chart to communicate with us and is asking very thoughtful questions, such as "how long have I been here?"; "how's my pancreas?" "what's the next step?"; asking about his Mom and Dad and how they are doing; asked about a good friend's mom who has been very ill and has asked us to pray with him!

It's a wonderful picture we paint...but we still need to cover him in prayer. He's still very, very ill and susceptible to all the things listed in the previous e-mails. It's very evident that GOD IS IN CONTROL!!! He has great things planned for us and we are trying to patiently wait on His timing!

There is probably something I'm forgetting, but it's late and I'm tired! So if I think of anything else, I'll report it tomorrow.

Good night! We know you will continue to pray!

Much love,
Christie, Ryan, Aaron and Kristin

"With God all things are possible"

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It's here!!! Ron tells his story

Love it when my hubby shares!. Though a very condensed version, Ron eloquently shared with our youth group a few weeks ago. Below are his th...